
Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

There are 8 Bronze Trophies, 13 Silver Trophies, 6 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
A Good Explorer (Bronze)
Finished the Story Mode on Easy difficulty setting
Cat Dominator (Silver)
Hunted four cougars in Story Mode
Down Bear, Down! (Silver)
Hunted three bears in Story Mode
Focus Master (Silver)
Hunted 20 animals using Focus Shot in Story Mode
Focus Novice (Bronze)
Hunted 10 animals using Focus Shot in Story Mode
Getting Down (Silver)
Landed the plane without hitting any obstacles
Getting The Hang Of It (Bronze)
Hunted two animals in latching situations in Story Mode
Gold All The Way (Gold)
Obtained gold medals in all of the Quick Draw Shooting Galleries
Hangman (Silver)
Hunted 20 targets while hanging in Story Mode
Hunt 10 With Semi Auto Rifle (Silver)
Hunted 10 animals with the semi auto rifle in Story Mode
Hunt 20 With Handgun (Bronze)
Hunted 20 animals with the handgun in Story Mode
Hunt 20 With Shotgun (Bronze)
Hunted 20 animals with the shotgun in Story Mode
Hunt 30 With Bolt (Bronze)
Hunted 30 animals with the bolt-action rifle in Story Mode
Hunting For Gold (Gold)
Obtained gold medals in all of the Trek Shooting Galleries
Keep Them Off (Bronze)
Successfully repelled 10 animals using melee attacks in Story Mode
Latch Master (Gold)
Hunted four animals in latching situations in Story Mode
Latch Proficient (Silver)
Hunted three animals in latching situations in Story Mode
Latch Them Down (Silver)
Hunted five animals in latching situations in Shooting Galleries
Master of Survival (Platinum)
Unlocked all Trophies
Novice Challenger (Bronze)
Won five challenges in Shooting Galleries
Practiced Challenger (Silver)
Won 10 challenges in Shooting Galleries
Pro Challenger (Gold)
Won 15 challenges in Shooting Galleries
Pro Hunter (Silver)
Finish three hunts in Story Mode
Shooting Galleries Expert (Gold)
Obtained gold medals in all of the Survival Shooting Galleries
Survivor (Silver)
Hunted 30 animals in a row without dying in Story Mode
The Pro Adventurer (Silver)
Finished Story Mode on the Medium difficulty setting
The Story's Taking Shape (Silver)
Gathered 15 collectable elements in Story Mode
The True Adventurer (Gold)
Finished Story Mode on the Hard difficulty setting

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