
Apples to Apples

Special avatars (code from facebook group needed)
The code was given by Apples to Apples' facebook page.
Bumblebee Apple avatar
Enter Code: buzzworthy
Ninja Apple avatar
Enter Code: silentslice
There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
All Your Apples Are Belong to Us (Bronze)
Play the "Apple Tart" card 10 times.
An Apple a Day (Gold)
Reach the Orchard Rank in Online Multiplayer by Playing 500 Games.
Apple of My Eye (Bronze)
Win your first online game.
Apple Seeds (Bronze)
Complete the tutorial in Single Player.
Apple-ocalypse (Silver)
Be the second player to play the "Upset the Apple Cart" card in a single round.
Apple-opolis (Silver)
Unlock all the Apple Avatars.
Falling Far from the Tree (Silver)
Play the "Every Apple for Himself" card 5 times.
Mad Apple (Bronze)
Lose 3 online games in a row.
No Apple for You (Bronze)
Play the "Yes, We Have No Apples" card 10 times.
Rotten to the Core (Silver)
Be targeted by the "Rotten Apple" card 10 times.
Social Addict (Bronze)
Enable Social Integration for posting trophies.
Sour Apple (Bronze)
Play a Golden Apple Card for the first time.
Fun to the Core Trophies
There are 7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
All Your Apples Are Belong to Us (Bronze)
Play the "Apple Tart" card 10 times.
An Apple a Day (Gold)
Reach the Orchard Rank in Online Multiplayer by Playing 500 Games.
Apple of My Eye (Bronze)
Win your first online game.
Apple Seeds (Bronze)
Complete the tutorial in Single Player.
Apple-ocalypse (Silver)
Be the second player to play the "Upset the Apple Cart" card in a single round.
Apple-opolis (Silver)
Unlock all the Apple Avatars.
Falling Far from the Tree (Silver)
Play the "Every Apple for Himself" card 5 times.
Mad Apple (Bronze)
Lose 3 online games in a row.
No Apple for You (Bronze)
Play the "Yes, We Have No Apples" card 10 times.
Rotten to the Core (Silver)
Be targeted by the "Rotten Apple" card 10 times.
Social Addict (Bronze)
Enable Social Integration for posting trophies.
Sour Apple (Bronze)
Play a Golden Apple Card for the first time.

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