
After Burner Climax

Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy. There are 8 Bronze Trophies, 3 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.
50 Combo (Bronze)
Got a combo of 50 in Arcade mode.
Across enemy lines (Bronze)
Cleared Stage 10 in Arcade mode.
All Clear! (Gold)
Cleared Arcade mode with ending A.
Climax Mode (Bronze)
Activated Climax Mode in Arcade mode.
Emergency Order (Bronze)
Cleared an Emergency Order in Arcade mode.
Rank In (Bronze)
Uploaded a Score Attack score to rankings.
ROLL (Bronze)
Performed a roll in Arcade mode.
Stealth bomber (Bronze)
Cleared Stage 5 in Arcade mode.
Strike Eagle (Silver)
Cleared Arcade mode with the F-15E.
Super Hornet (Silver)
Cleared Arcade mode with the F/A-18E.
Super Tomcat (Silver)
Cleared Arcade mode with the F-14D.
Triple A (Bronze)
Get a AAA ranking in Arcade mode (for Shot Down, Combo, or Play Time).
EX Option Unlockables
These can be unlocked while playing through Arcade Mode and only take effect while playing Arcade Mode.
5 Game Credits
Get a Game Over one time
7 Game Credits
Get a Game Over three times
9 Game Credits
Get a Game Over five times
Aircraft Count Decreased to 1
Play a Secret Stage five times
Aircraft Count Increased to 5
Play a Secret Stage one time
Aircraft Count Increased to 9
Play a Secret Stage three times
Aircraft set to Highest Speed
Play through four different branched stages
Aircraft set to Slowest Speed
Play through all eight different branched stages
All Smoke Not Displayed
Score over 1,000,000 points
Always Advance to Secret Mission 14
Play Emergency Orders twenty times
Armor set at 1%
Get a down rate of 70% twenty times
Automatic Gun
Clear Stage 3 Emergency orders
Automatic Lock-On
Reach the ending ten times
Automatic Missle Fire
Reach ending 'A'
Combo set till Death or Stage Clear
Get a combo totalling 3,000 points
Combo Window Twice as Long
Get a combo totalling 1,000 points
Enemies No Longer Attack
Shoot down 10,000 enemies
Enemy Attack Leveled Down One Time
Shoot down 1,000 enemies
Enemy Attack Leveled Down Three Times
Shoot down 5,000 enemies
Enemy Attack Leveled Down Two Times
Shoot down 3,000 enemies
Fast Climax Gauge Recovery
Activate Climax Mode 50 times
Gun power Down
Shoot down 200 enemies with your guns
Gun Power Up
Shoot down 50 enemies with your guns
Hide User Interface
Score over 2,000,000 points
Invincibility against Enemy Fire
Get a down rate of 70% fifty times
Large Lock-On Cursor
Reach the ending one time
No Explosion Smoke Displayed
Score over 800,000 points
No Lock-On Cursor
Reach the ending five times
No Missle Recovery
Fire a total of 2,000 missles
No Missle Smoke Displayed
Score over 600,000 points
Slow Climax Gauge Recovery
Activate Climax Mode 100 times
Take Half Damage
Get a down rate of 70% ten times
Unlimited Climax Gauge Recovery
Activate Climax Mode 200 times
Unlimited Game Credits
Get a Game Over ten times
Unlimted Missle Recovery
Fire a total of 5,000 missles

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Страница: Читы на After Burner Climax для Playstation 3

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