
You're in the Movies

Unlock All Trailers / Director's Mode
     Enter these commands simultaneously at the options screen 
to unlock all features within the game!

[LB], [RB], [LB], [RB], [Y]: Unlocks Everything!

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Action Ace (30):         Complete all movies in the Action genre

Athlete (20):            Score maximum points in Log Toss, Bungee Run, 
                         and Hula Hula

Beach Bum (20):          Complete all desert island games

Beat Master (20):        Score maximum points in Dragon Boat 
                         and Funky Monkey

Bruiser (20):            Beat all the bad guys in Runaway Train and Hitman

Budding Director (10):   Create a script using director mode

Carny (20):              Complete all fairground games

Cater for Most (30):     Make a movie in each of the 5 genres

City Slicker (20):       Complete all city games

Classic Cat (30):        Complete all movies in the Classic genre

Country Kid (20):        Complete all countryside games

Demolition Dynamo (20):  Knock the wall down in Swing King and dig 
                         to the bottom of the screen in Demolition Day

Disaster Don (30):       Complete all movies in the Disaster genre

Epic (15):               Make a movie with 4 players

First Audition (5):      Complete an audition and begin making a movie

First Class (10):        Play Flight of Fancy and ride in the plane

Float Like 
a Butterfly (20):        Complete Play Fight and Fistful of Fun 
                         without getting hit

Frantic Fun (20):        Score maximum points in Shut the Valve 
                         and Treasure Trove

Funky Mover (20):        Score maximum points in Let's Dance 
                         and Freestyle Fever

Generator (20):          Score maximum points in Backstage Bother 
                         and Dynamo!

Going Solo (10):         Make a movie with only 1 player

Horror Hero (30):        Complete all movies in the Horror genre

Key Grip (20):           Complete all studio games

Make a Movie (10):       Complete 1 game session

Make a Series (25):      Complete 5 game sessions

Make a Trilogy (20):     Complete 3 game sessions

Movie Editor (20):       Score maximum points in Film Buff 
                         and The Reel Thing

Obsessed (70):           Complete all 30 original movies

Punch Bag (20):          Hit the maximum punch 3 times 
                         in a row in Punch Out

Puzzle Master (20):      Score maximum points in Cup and the Pea 
                         and Costume Crisis

Rocketeer (20):          Destroy 20 ships in Rocket Launcher

Run For Your Life (15):  Don't get caught in both Monkey Run 
                         and Tornado Run

Sci-Fi Star (30):        Complete all movies in the Sci-Fi genre

Skuse Me (20):           Get 3 balls in a row on Skuseball

Slippery Eel (15):       Don't get hit in both Knock Knock 
                         and Rodeo Rampage

Sound Engineer (20):     Score maximum points in Sound Off 
                         and Ding Dong

Spiritual Bliss (20):    Score maximum points in Stone Master 
                         and Free Your Mind

Sting Like a Bee (20):   Hit all the pads in Contender

Strength Challenge (20): Knock the bell off in Strongman

Team Player (35):        Complete all 2 player games in 2 player mode

Totally Obsessed (100):  Complete all 30 original movies in 4 player mode

Triathlon (20):          Score maximum points in Marathon Man, Stuntman 
                         and Piranha Panic

Zen Master (20):         Complete all dojo games

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Страница: Читы на You re in the Movies для Xbox 360

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