
WWE All Stars

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Running Wild (20)
Performed 50 successful finishers in any mode over the course of the game.
Born to Fly (20)
Performed 10 successful regular aerial moves in a single match.
Five Moves of Doom (20)
Executed five signature moves in a single match.
Dominating (20)
Won a match against the CPU without losing any health.
Layeth the Smacketh Down! (20)
Won a match in under 2 minutes.
Punch Drunk (20)
Landed at least 100 strikes in a single match in any mode.
Man of 1000 Holds (25)
Won a match without using any strikes.
Slobberknocker (25)
Won a match without using any grapples.
Make Them Humble (25)
Won 25 matches by knockout.
Five Star Rating (20)
Achieved a five star rating while facing the CPU.
Mark of Excellence (20)
Earned a gold medal while facing the CPU.
The Apex Predator (20)
Completed the Superstars Path of Champions.
Breaking the Rules (20)
Completed the Tag Team Path of Champions.
Facing the Deadman (20)
Completed the Legends Path of Champions.
The New Generation (10)
Defeated a Legend with a Superstar.
Showing Them How It's Done (10)
Defeated a Superstar with a Legend.
Rising Star (20)
Completed Path of Champions with a created Superstar.
Reversal of Fortune (15)
Performed at least 5 grapple reversals during a match.
Chain Gang (15)
Performed a combo at least 5 moves in length.
The Next WWE Superstar (10)
Made a created Superstar.
Old School (15)
Completed all Fantasy Warfare matches as a WWE Legend.
Legend Killer (15)
Completed all Fantasy Warfare matches as a WWE Superstar.
Over the Top (15)
Won a Steel Cage match.
Suck It (20)
Won a Tornado Tag Team match as Triple H and Shawn Michaels.
Mega Powers (20)
Won a Tornado Tag Team match as Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage.
The New Face of Cyberspace (20)
Defeated a created Superstar in a Xbox LIVE match with your own created Superstar.
Main Eventer (50)
Won 50 Xbox LIVE matches.
You Can't See Me! (50)
Won 10 consecutive Xbox LIVE matches.
Comeback of the Year (20)
Won a match when your Superstar is at zero health.
Beating the Odds (15)
Won a Handicap match.
Totally Extreme! (15)
Won an Extreme Rules match.
He's Got a Chair! (20)
Landed at least 10 successful strikes with an object in a single match.
In the Spotlight (15)
Won an Xbox LIVE match.
Last Man Standing (15)
Won a Fatal 4 Way Elimination match.
The Champ is Here! (50)
Completed all three Path of Champions as John Cena.
Enhancement Talent (20)
Won 10 Xbox LIVE matches.
Mid Carder (25)
Won 25 Xbox LIVE matches.
The Bottom Line (50)
Defeated the entire WWE All Stars roster with a single created Superstar.
The King of Kings (50)
Defeated the entire WWE All Stars roster as Triple H.
The Ultimate Achievement (75)
Defeated the entire Roster and all three Path of Champions as The Ultimate Warrior.
Unlockable Characters
Drew McIntyre
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against Roddy Piper
Eddie Guerrero
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against Rey Mysterio Jr.
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against Bret Hart
Jack Swagger
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against Sgt. Slaughter
Jimmy Snuka
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against Kane
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against Jimmy Snuka
Mr. Perfect
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against The Miz
Sgt. Slaughter
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against Jack Swagger
Shawn Micheals
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against The Undertaker
The Miz
Win the Fantasy Warfare Match with him against Mr. Perfect

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Отзывы посетителей об игре (1)

Автор: aflestat
Очень неплохая игра, заставляющая вспомнить такой хит, как WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game. Мне всегда нравились игры серии SmackDown, но хотелось чего-то большего. Чего-то более зажигательного и менее реального. И эта игра дает ощущение мощи, т.к. в каждом броске и ударе чувствуешь силу, не говоря уже о так называемых "финишерах", которыми заканчиваешь данное "пиршество". Редактор персонажей понравился гораздо больше, нежели в его "брате-симуляторе". Одежда хорошо сидит, выделяется и не выглядит, будто нарисована на коже. Аксессуары в WWE All Stars так же сделаны весьма достойно. То же самое можно сказать и о прическах, типах лица и т.п. Хотя удары выбрать нельзя, лишь набор ударов "звезд". Но добивающий выбираешь сам. Несколько режимов прохождения и подобие сюжета для трех звезд, но, в отличие от SmackDown, можно играть за созданного персонажа. В общем, игра достойна своего имени и рекомендуется всем любителям данного вида спорта.

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