
Wanted: Weapons of Fate

The Hidden Binary Codes
     Enter these at the "Secret Codes" screen at the "Main Menu":

01010111: Unlocks Airplane Bodyguard

01110100: Unlocks Cinematic Mode

01100101: Unlocks Close Combat Mode

01010100: Unlocks Cross

01001100: Unlocks Health Improvement

01101101: Unlocks Infinite Aderanaline

01101111: Unlocks Infinite Ammo

01000100: Unlocks Jnanice

01110010: Unlocks One Shot One Kill

01100001: Unlocks Special Suit

01001111: Unlocks Super Weapons

01000011: Unlocks Wesly

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

All in the reflexes (10):          Kill 3 enemies at once in a single eQM

Between Old Friends (25):          Kill The Immortal with Cross 
                                   on The Killer Difficulty

Boom! (5):                         Kill one explosive rat

Bullet Curving Expert (25):        Kill 100 enemies using Curved Bullets

Bullet Curving Trainee (5):        Kill 10 enemies using Curved Bullets

Butcher would be proud (50):       Complete the game in "Close Combat 
                                   Mode", any difficulty

Catch me if you can (50):          1st position in "Time Attack" Ranking

Collector Nerd (10):               Find 10 reward items

Completed Act 1 - Assassin (20):   Complete Act 1 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 1 - Easy (10):       Complete Act 1 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 1 - The Killer (30): Complete Act 1 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 2 - Assassin (20):   Complete Act 2 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 2 - Easy (10):       Complete Act 2 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 2 - The Killer (30): Complete Act 2 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 3 - Assassin (20):   Complete Act 3 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 3 - Easy (10):       Complete Act 3 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 3 - The Killer (30): Complete Act 3 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 4 - Assassin (20):   Complete Act 4 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 4 - Easy (10):       Complete Act 4 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 4 - The Killer (30): Complete Act 4 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 5 - Assassin (20):   Complete Act 5 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 5 - Easy (10):       Complete Act 5 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 5 - The Killer (30): Complete Act 5 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 6 - Assassin (20):   Complete Act 6 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 6 - Easy (10):       Complete Act 6 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 6 - The Killer (30): Complete Act 6 - The Killer Difficulty 

Completed Act 7 - Assassin (20):   Complete Act 7 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 7 - Easy (10):       Complete Act 7 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 7 - The Killer (30): Complete Act 7 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 8 - Assassin (20):   Complete Act 8 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 8 - Easy (10):       Complete Act 8 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 8 - The Killer (30): Complete Act 8 - The Killer Difficulty

Compulsive Hoarder (30):           Find all reward items

Dr. Lobotomy (50):                 Complete the game in "Headshot Mode", 
                                   any difficulty

Fully trained assassin (30):       Complete Act 9 - Assassin Difficulty

Glad I wasn't there (10):          Kill 3 enemies at once with a single 
                                   Explosive Bullet

Half the man Barry is (5):         Kill Kathy, ex-girlfriend

Heart Breaker (25):                Kill Aran~a with Wesley without mask 
                                   on The Killer Difficulty

I am in control (5):               Complete the 1st Tutorial

I have it in my blood (5):         Complete the 2nd Tutorial

Kill One, Save a Thousand 
Donuts (5):                        Kill Janice, ex-boss

No more anxiety attacks (5):       Complete the 3rd Tutorial

Pest Exterminator (20):            Kill all explosive rats

Punishing Subordinates (25):       Kill The Russian with The Immortal 
                                   in close combat and The Killer 

Ready to play 
with the big boys (15):            Complete Act 9 - Easiest Difficulty

Shrapnel Storm Expert (25):        Kill 80 enemies using Bullet Explosions

Shrapnel Storm Trainee (5):        Kill 10 enemies using Bullet Explosions

The Killer (50):                   Complete Act 9 - The Killer Difficulty

Two is always better 
than one (10):                     Kill 2 enemies at once 
                                   with a single Curved Bullet

Up close and personal (20):        Kill 15 enemies in close combat

Unlockable Characters

Airplane Bodyguard:                Complete Headshot mode mode

Nightmare:                         Complete Close Combat mode

The Immortal:                      Beat the game

The Original Spider:               Beat The Spider boss battle in the game

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