
Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures, Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Act 1: Breakfast Wrangler (20):    Complete Act 1.

Act 2: Ton o' Honey (20):          Complete Act 2.

Act 3: Buzz Cutter (20):           Complete Act 3.

Act 4: Queenly Bearing (20):       Complete Act 4.

Bee Pleaser (15):                  Offer the bees inside of 
                                   the Pollenator every type of flower.

Crack Shot (15):                   Get through the "shooting gallery" 
                                   without missing a target.

Get Cracking (15):                 Hear Wallace say this phrase 
                                   in four of its instances.

Memory Lane (15):                  Find an object from Wallace 
                                   and Gromit's first movie.

Mmm... Cheese (15):                Eat this episode's "mystery cheese".

No Go Gorgonzola (15):             Make it through Act 3 without 
                                   touching the Gorgonzola.

Snail Whisperer (15):              Give the entire cast a glance 
                                   at a gastropod.

Yee-Oww! (15):                     Get stung by three different bees.

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