

     Complete the following achievement to get allotted gamerscore.

A Bird Named Kevin (15):      Find Kevin before Muntz does.

A Voice In The Mist (20):     Find the voice in the mist.

Adventure is Here (50):       Defeat Muntz's canine squadron 
                              in the skies above Paradise Falls.

Adventure is Out There (15):  Defeat the first wave of combat planes.

Animation Badge (20):         Unlock the Bonus Art.

Artifact Curator (35):        Find and collect all of the Artifacts.

Bird Watching Badge (10):     Locate Kevin for the first time.

Buddy System Badge (25):      Free your buddy from five Snare Traps.

Bug Hunting Badge (50):       Catch or squash 100 Dio Bugs or Butterflies.

Defense Badge (15):           Successfully defend against 10 dog ambushes.

Ellie Badge (50):             Complete all of the Quest Cards 
                              for a special badge.

Entomology Badge (20):        Collect all varieties of each Butterfly 
                              and Dio Bug in the game.

Environment Badge (20):       Break apart 500 objects.

Excavation Badge (25):        You've found the hidden cave 
                              in "A voice in the mist".

First Aid Badge (10):         Use Russell's Canteen three times.

Fishing Badge (20):           Survive against the hungry Piranhas.

Global Citizen Badge (20):    Make sure to put out your campfire.

Hiking Badge (10):            Find the picture-perfect view of 
                              Paradise Falls.

Karate Badge (20):            Break open 10 watermelons.

Kite Badge (20):              Use Carl's House to float across 
                              all the chasms in the game.

Knot Tying Badge (10):        Tie off the house so it doesn't float away.

Meet the Pack (20):           Meet the pack: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.

Memorabilia Specialist (30):  Collect all of Carl's Mementos.

Merit Badge Champion (50):    Collect 6000 Merit Badges in the game 
                              to become the Merit Badge Champion.

Multiplayer Extras (50):      Unlock the extra Multiplayer Combat Maps.

Music Badge (10):             Use Russell's Bugle three times.

Night in the Jungle (20):     Avoid being captured by Muntz's dogs.

Paradise Falls (30):          Help Carl get his house 
                              to the top of Paradise Falls.

Pest Control Badge (25):      Squish 10 Wasps and Spiders.

Rare Statue Badge (25):       You found the Golden Jaguar.

Recycling Badge (15):         Play through any previously completed 
                              level in Story Mode.

Sharp Tools Badge (15):       Use Russell's key to cut through three 
                              items in the game.

Shoveling Badge (25):         Dig up all of the hidden bones using Dug.

Sinkhole Terror (30):         Defeat the giant Crocodile.

Slide and Slither (20):       Defeat the giant Anaconda.

Spirit of Adventure (30):     Free Russell and Kevin, 
                              then escape the Dirigible.

Survivor Badge (50):          Complete any Story Mode level 
                              without failing or quitting.

Swimming Badge (10):          Swim through all of the areas that 
                              have water.

Teamwork Badge (30):          Defeat either the giant Anaconda 
                              or Crocodile with 2 players.

To Paradise Falls (15):       Complete the level to start Carl's journey 
                              to Paradise Falls.

Wings Badge (10):             Defeat the first plane in the battle 
                              over Paradise Falls.

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