

Uno is an Xbox Live Arcade game.

Complete the achievement to get the alloted gamerscore.

Bluff (10 points)
     Bluff on a Wild Draw Four twice in the same game.

Multiplayer (10 points)
     Complete a 4-player game of UNO in any mode on Xbox Live.

UNO! (10 points)
     Successfully get UNO! and win the game.

High Noon (15 points)
     Play 40 Draw Two cards.

Quick Change Artist (15 points)
     Change  the  color  of  the discard pile at least five times in a
single round.

Skip to My Lou (15 points)
     Play 40 Skip cards.

Twister (15 points)
     Play 40 Reverse cards.

Wild Thing (15 points)
     Successfully play 40 Wild or Wild Draw Four cards.

Wild Abandon (20 points)
     Go out with a Wild or Wild Draw Four card.

Ace! (20 points)
     Go out without drawing a card.

Devotee (25 points)
     Win 40 games of UNO.

UNO Shark (30 points)
     Win ten 4-player games of UNO in any mode on Xbox Live.

Easy high rank
     To  get  you  rank  very high on the player leaderboard, go to an
online  player  match. Go to "Create Game", then select "House Rules".
Set  the  game  to  an  Elimination match with no points and only play
against the CPU. Twenty extra wins can get you 10,000 more ranks.

Hide UNO drawing deck
     Press Back to hide the UNO drawing deck.

Easy Bluff achievement:
     You  can  get 1- achievement points for successfully bluffing two
Wild  Draw  Four cards in one game, but this is very difficult to get,
because  most  players  know when you are bluffing and the CPU can see
your  cards. To get around this, get three friends together and play a
four  player  game  on  Xbox  Live.  Agree beforehand not to call each
other's  bluffs,  and  continue playing until all four of you have the
achievements. Do not end the match or you will have to start all over.

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