
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Heroes in a Half Shell (30): Complete the game with all 4 Turtles.

I Will Survive (30):         Complete a Survival Mode game. 
                             (Normal difficulty onwards)

Ice, Ice, Turtle (20):       Avoid Ice Ray traps in Level 8.

Invincible (5):              Complete a level without having 
                             to use a single Power-up.

Lean, Green and Mean (20):   Achieve more than 8,000 points.

Seen My Bones? (5):          Get zapped by any laser traps 
                             or attacks.

Slow as a Turtle (10):       Complete a level in under 3 minutes.

Staying Alive (25):          Defeat the Final Boss without dying.

The Inflatable 
Reptilian Hero (5):          Get flattened by any trap.

Toe Be or Not Toe Be? (20):  Avoid all traps in Level 3.

Turtle Power (25):           Complete the game in Story Mode. 
                             (Normal difficulty onwards).

Turtle Tantrum! (5):         Destroy more than 5 enemies 
                             using a destructible object.

Unlock Levels for Quickplay Mode
     Play  story  mode  and  defeat  the boss at the end of a level to
unlock that stage in quickplay mode.

Keep your score after losing all of your lives in single player story 
     After  getting the game over screen, DO NOT CONTINUE. Instead let
the  game  take  you  back  to the main menu and then choose "Continue
Game".  You'll  start  at the beginning of the level that you died on,
along  with the points that you had when you entered the stage. (NOTE:
this doesn't work on stage 1).

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