Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Quest Complete (5) Complete a Quest Mode game.
Fast Track (30) Complete all Time Trial levels.
Party Animal (15) Win a multiplayer game.
Jellyfisher (15) Defeat 100 Jellyfish.
SpongeBob ThousandPants (20) Collect 1,000 underpants.
Wide Awake! Break out of a Stun.
No Pants! No pants in a multiplayer game.
It Be "it" for 50 seconds.
Superhero! Use Super Moves 25 times.
Masterful Beat Quest mode with all 5 characters.
Clumsy! Clumsy! Fall out of the level 50 times.
Prospector (30) Collect all the gold medals.
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