Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Addicted (10)
Played Adventure Mode 1000 times.
Big Money (20)
Obtained 500000 gold.
Casanova (10)
Rescued 10 or more damsels in one game.
City of Gold (40)
Reached the City of Gold.
Eternal Life (20)
Obtained the Ankh.
Good Teamwork (10)
Completed the game with at least two players alive. No shortcuts.
Her Favorite (10)
Won the kapala from Kali.
Ice Creamed (20)
Reached the Temple.
Ironman (30)
Completed the game without using shortcuts.
Jungle Jammed (20)
Reached the Ice Caves.
Low Scorer (10)
Completed the game without collecting any treasure. No shortcuts.
Made It (40)
Completed the game.
Mines Shafted (20)
Reached the Jungle.
Public Enemy (10)
Killed 12 or more shopkeepers in one game.
Seen a Lot (10)
Completed 50% of the journal.
Seen It All (20)
Completed 100% of the journal.
So It Begins (30)
Beat the Tutorial.
Speedlunky (10)
Completed the game in under 8 minutes. No shortcuts.
The Entire Gang (10)
Rescued all 8 hidden characters.
To Hell and Back (50)
Completed the game the hard way.
Unlockable Characters
The Yellow Miner Girl, Purple Pirate Girl, Green Mariachi Man and Blue Bear Suit Man all randomly appear in coffins throughout the 4 main areas. They are limited to ONE per area and they are RANDOM i.e. if you find the Yellow Miner Girl in the Jungle, you can no longer find a coffin in the Jungle.
Black Van Helsing
Haunted Castle, at the top of the castle in a coffin
Blue Bear Suit Man
Coffin (Mines/Jungle/Ice Cave/Temple)
Green Mariachi Man
Coffin (Mines/Jungle/Ice Cave/Temple)
Leopard Suit Man
Beat the game (shortcuts allowed)
Meat Boy
The Worm, at the bottom in a goo sac
Purple Pirate Girl
Coffin (Mines/Jungle/Ice Cave/Temple)
Beat Hell
Yellow Miner Girl
Coffin (Mines/Jungle/Ice Cave/Temple)
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