Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Encounter with the Unknown (10) Fight against Yoda.
Pursuer of the Secret (10) Clear STORY MODE on difficulty: NORMAL.
Mystery of the Swords (20) Clear STORY MODE on difficulty: HARD.
May the Force be with You (20) Clear STORY MODE with Yoda.
War Veteran (10) Clear ARCADE MODE.
Hero on the Battlefield (20) Clear ARCADE MODE
with over 450,000 points.
Legendary Hidden Treasures (20) Acquire over 30 treasures
Never Ending Advance (20) Descend 20 floors in TOWER OF LOST SOULS.
Tower's New Guardian (30) Clear all upper floors of
Scorpion's Sting (10) Win a battle with Critical Finish.
Smasher (10) Destroy all of the opponent's equipment.
Iron Hammer (10) Land an attack on a taunting opponent.
Death on the Battlefield (30) Perform 100 Critical Finishes.
Like a Flowing Stream (20) Perform 200 Impacts.
Lost in the Moment (30) Perform 20 Just Impacts.
Quick Strike (10) Perform 5 First Attacks
in a row in Arcade.
Swift Strike (20) Perform 100 First Attacks.
Mad Destroyer (20) Perform 100 Soul Crushes.
Violent Storm (20) Perform 50 Wall Hits.
10,000 Strikes of Proof (30) Land 10,000 attacks.
Endure 1,000 (30) Guard 1,000 times against attacks.
Water Moon (20) Perform 30 grapple breaks.
Distance will not Betray (20) Reach over 10,000 meters
in total movement distance in battle.
First Step as an Artist (5) Customize a regular character.
Chosen by History (5) Create a custom character.
Sharpened Teeth (20) Maximize a style's level.
Equal Skill and Power (20) Use all skill points and set up 4 skills.
Engraved into History (30) Fight 100 times (Online).
World Class Fighter (30) Fight against 20 different fighting
styles (Online).
World Traveler (30) Fight on all stages (Online).
Gladiator (20) Win consecutive Ranked Matches (Online).
Unknown Swordsman (20) Win 10 times (Online).
Hero King (30) Level up to 20 (Online).
Divine Punishment (20) K.O. with an Unblockable Attack.
Reversal Wizard (20) Win 20 times with low HP.
Phoenix (10) Win with all equipment destroyed.
Wandering Assassin (10) K.O. opponent
with over 20 types of weapons.
Repel All Blades (30) Win perfect 30 times.
Numeric God (20) Measure the two passages of time and win.
Two Cannot Exist Together (20) Exhaust each other's power.
Gathering of the Best (20) Complete CHAIN OF SOULS.
Observer of Souls (30) Collect all illustrations in Art Gallery.
Sword Hunter (15) Collect all weapons for 5 characters.
The Controller (20) Get Soul Calibur (Final Form).
Wild Run to Tragedy (20) Get Soul Edge (Final Form).
Looter of the Battlefield (20) Collect all accessories.
Wandering Weapon Merchant (20) Collect 350 pieces of equipment.
Transcend History
and the World (50) Acquire all weapons and equipment.
Start of a New Era (5) Welcome to the new world of SOULCALIBUR!
Tower of Gold (20) Aquire 1,000,000 gold.
Unlocking Characters
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
The Apprentice Beat Arcade mode with Yoda
Algol Beat Story mode with a character
that faces him as the last boss
Angol Fear Defeat her in Story Mode
Ashlotte Defeat her in Story Mode
Kamikirimusi Defeat her in Story Mode
Scheherazade Defeat her in Story Mode
Shura Defeat her in Story Mode
Amy Purchase her in the Character
Creation for 4000 gold
Cervantes Purchase him in the Character Creation
for 4000 gold
Hong Yun-seong Purchase him in the Character Creation
for 4000 gold
Zasalamel Buy him for 4000 gold
in Character Creation mode.
Talim Buy her for 4000 gold
in Character Creation mode.
Rock Purchase him in the Character Creation
for 4000 gold
Sophitia Purchase her in the Create a Soul mode
for 4000 Gold.
Setsuka Highlight and purchase for 4000 gold
Seong Mi Na Highlight and purchase for 4000 gold
Yoshimitsu Highlight and purchase for 4000 gold
Lizardman Buy for 4000 gold
Unlock Create-a-Soul Items/Weapons
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Unlock Leviathan
and Voodoo Equipment Achieve 30 achievements
Unlock Animal Head Equipment Achieve 25 achievements
Unlock Advanced Equipment Achieve 20 achievements
Unlock Intermediate Equipment Achieve 15 achievements
Unlock Basic Equipment Achieve 5 achievements
Unlock More Equipment Achieve 10 achievements
Unlock All weapons
for a character Clear Story mode with that Character
Tower of Lost Souls Reward Items (Descending)
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
B05 Dark Knight's Cloak
B10 Blade Ring: Raging Thunder
B15 Lapin Chapeau
B20 Repel Gem: Fox Demon
B25 Succubus Gauntlets
B30 Demonic Armor
B35 Demonic Pauldrons
B40 Voodoo Crown
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