Young Alex Costume
At the press start screen if you input this code you will unlock
the young Alex Costume.
Unlocks Young Alex Costume:
[Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right],
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Alchemilla's Finest (10) Defeated 1 Nurse
Clear the Air (10) Defeated 1 Smog
Creeper Reaper (10) Defeated 1 Swarm
Eddie's Legacy (10) Defeated 1 Feral
Health Junkie (50) Found all Serums
Josh's Gallery (50) Found ALL Photos
Kaufmann's Handiwork (10) Found 1 Serum
Lock 'n' Load (25) Found Rifle
Lurk No More (10) Defeated 1 Lurker
Nursery Rhymes (50) Found all the Children's Drawings
Out of Order (10) Defeated 1 Order member
Shades of James (20) Defeated 1 Siam
Sightseeing (10) Found 1 Photo
Split Personality (10) Defeated 1 Schism
The Old Gods... (100) .. Haven't Left This Place Complete
game on HARD difficulty
To The Point (10) Defeated 1 Needler
Endings *SPOILERS*
Here is what Alex has to do to unlock the endings in the game.
"Bogeyman" Ending: Don't forgive your father, don't kill your mother,
and don't save Wheeler.
"Drowning" Ending: Don't forgive your father, but do kill your mother.
"Good" Ending: Forgive your father and kill your mother out of mercy.
"Hospital" Ending: Forgive your father and don't kill your mother.
"UFO" Ending: Similiar to the Bogeyman ending. Don't forgive your father,
don't kill your mother, BUT do save Wheeler.
Extra Costumes
Unlock these costumes for Alex after beating these certain endings.
Bogeyman a.k.a. Pyramid Head Helmet: Unlocked by getting the "Bogeyman"
Deputy Alex: Unlocked by getting the "UFO" Ending
Order Soldier Outfit: Unlocked by getting the "Drowning" Ending
Orderly Alex: Unlocked by getting the "Hospital" Ending
Trucker Alex: Unlocked by getting the "Good" Ending
Extra Weapons
To unlock two new weapons, beat the game at least once.
Circular Saw: Can be found in the garage at the Shepard's family home
Laser Pistol: Can be found in Joshua's room, on top of his foot locker
Extra Scene
Collect all the photos and you will see a extra scene
after the credits end.
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Знаете интересные коды на Silent Hill: Homecoming? Вам есть чем поделиться с другими геймерами?
По графике игра великолепная. По сюжету тоже особых напряжений не ощущается. После запутанной четвертой части, где черт ногу сломит, Silent Hill: Homecoming, не смотря на языковой барьер, проходится гладко и прямолинейно. Все портит дурацкая боевая система. Не просто портит, прямо ПОРТИТ! Персонаж теперь не может носить сколько угодно патронов - есть ограничения. Хорошо, многие из нас за реализм. И вот в боевой системе реализм поворачивается к нам спиной. А достаточно было более детально продумать уклонения от атак и их блокировку, дать возможность персонажу подныривать и атаковать монстров со спины - и всё, был бы соблюден реальный баланс как для новичков, так и для опытных игроков. И даже дурацкие нелогичные головоломки не испортили бы общего впечатления. И что в итоге - тройка с натяжкой.
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