
SCORE International Baja 1000

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

1st in Endurance #1 (40): Place 1st in Endurance Regional #1.

1st in Endurance #2 (50): Place 1st in Endurance Regional #2.

1st in Endurance #3 (60): Place 1st in Endurance Regional #3.

1st in Endurance #4 (70): Place 1st in Endurance Regional #4.

All Skill (25): Finish any race in the top 3 without any damage in career.

Baja Ironman (100): Drive a total of 1000 miles in career, exhibition, 
    System Link, and Xbox LIVE.

Collector (100): Unlock every vehicle.

Consolation Prize (20): Crashed a vehicle 100 times in career, exhibition, 
     System Link, and Xbox LIVE!

Dead Man's Curve (5): Wreck your vehicle in career, exhibition, 
     System Link, or Xbox LIVE.

Duct Tape Connoisseur (20): Lost a total of 100 vehicle parts during races 
     in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE!

Feet Wet (5): Finish any race in career, exhibition, System Link, 
     or Xbox LIVE.

High Flyer (20): Spent 5 minutes in the air in career, exhibition, 
     System Link, and Xbox LIVE!

Marathon Wheelman (50): Drive a total of 500 miles in career, 
     exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE.

Perfectionist (100): Place 1st in every career race.

Pink Slip (5): Win a head to head race.

Podium (10): Finish any race in first place in career, exhibition, 
     System Link, or Xbox LIVE.

Road Rage! (20): Knocked 20 other racers off of their vehicles in career, 
     exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE!

Strong Finish (100): Complete the career.

Unlock 2nd Ticket (10): Unlock the 2nd ticket in the career.

Unlock 3rd Ticket (15): Unlock the 3rd ticket in the career.

Unlock 4th Ticket (20): Unlock the 4th ticket in the career.

Unlock 5th Ticket (25): Unlock the 5th ticket in the career.

Unlock 6th Ticket (30): Unlock the 6th ticket in the career.

Unlock 7th Ticket (35): Unlock the 7th ticket in the career.

Unlock 8th Ticket (40): Unlock the 8th ticket in the career.

Weekend Driver (25): Drive a total of 250 miles in career, exhibition, 
     System Link, and Xbox LIVE.

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Прислал: aleks
Следите внимательно за трассой и высматривайте лазейки, которые сокращают путь к финишу. Не прыгайте с трамплинов - это снижает скорость, мото-грунтовик хоть и уязвим по отношению к авариям, зато везде пролезет. В настройках обязательно включите опцию "Автозапись", чтобы не начинать игру по новой.

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Страница: Читы на SCORE International Baja 1000 для Xbox 360

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