
Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action

     Complete  each  of  the  following  achievements below to get the
allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:              How to Unlock:

Extra (15)               Play a multiplayer game 

Groupie (15)             Visit every puzzle bed 

Intern (15)              Answer a question correctly 

Matinee (15)             Play a Short game 

Stand-In (15)            Answer 5 questions in a row correctly 

Supporting Actor (15)    Win a round in a multiplayer game 

Twin Bill (15)           Play a Long game 

Agent (20)               Score 25,000 points in a Short game 

Assistant (20)           Answer 10 questions in under 1 second each 

Associate Director (20)  Answer 30 questions correctly during one game 

Body Double (20)         Correctly answer 10 questions in a row 

Key Grip (20)            Answer 1 question correctly 
                         from each block of puzzles in a game 

Accountant (25)          Correctly answer every Trivia question 
                         in one block of puzzles 

Animator (25)            Correctly answer every Sketches, Child's Play, 
                         or Now Playing question in one block of puzzles

Associate Producer (25)  Answer 30 questions correctly 
                         without answering incorrectly in one game 

Casting Assistant (25)   Correctly answer every Distorted Reality 
                         or Invisibles question in one block of puzzles 

Casting Director (25)    Correctly answer every Star Trailer 
                         or Rising Star question in one block of puzzles

Chuckler (25)            Correctly answer 25 questions about comedy films 

Cinematographer (25)     Correctly answer every Pictogram question 
                         in one block of puzzles 

Composer (25)            Correctly answer every Sound Clip question 
                         in one block of puzzles 

Director (25)            Answer 40 questions correctly during one game 

Disco (25)               Correctly answer 25 questions 
                         about movies/stars from the 1970s 

Film Editor (25)         Correctly answer every Movie Clip question 
                         in one block of puzzles 

Flower Power (25)        Correctly answer 25 questions 
                         about movies/stars from the 1960s 

Gen-X (25)               Correctly answer 25 questions 
                         about movies/stars from the 1980s 

Grunge (25)              Correctly answer 25 questions 
                         about movies/stars from the 1990s 

Lead Actor (25)          Win a multiplayer game 

Savant (25)              Correctly answer every Anagram question 
                         in one block of puzzles 

Scholar (25)             Correctly answer 3 questions 
                         about documentary films 

Set Decorator (25)       Correctly answer every What's Missing, Props, 
                         or Visual Puzzler question 
                         in one block of puzzles 
SFX (25)                 Correctly answer 25 questions 
                         about sci-fi/fantasy films 

Slasher (25)             Correctly answer 25 questions 
                         about horror films 

Studio VP (25)           Score 40,000 points in a Short game 

Stunt Lead (25)          Correctly answer 15 questions in a row 

Understudy (25)          Correctly answer every Quotables 
                         or Credit Roll question in one block of puzzles

Valentine (25)           Correctly answer 25 questions 
                         about romance films 

Writer (25)              Correctly answer every Sequentials question 
                         in one block of puzzles 

Fresh Face (30)          Score 45,000 points in a Long game 

Studio Head (30)         Score 60,000 points in a Short game 

Award Winner (35)        Score 60,000 points in a Long game 

Producer (35)            Answer 60 questions correctly 
                         without answering incorrectly in one game 

Superstar (40)           Score 85,000 points in a Long game

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