
Saints Row

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:                  How to unlock:
Addicted to tha row (20)     Play Saints Row for 20 hours.
Air Traffic Controller (10)  Destroy 50 helicopters.
Audiophile (10)              Collect all 60 hidden cd's.
Bulletproof (10)             Successfully complete Co-Op level Turbulence 
                             at the highest difficulty level.
Canonized (10)               Join the 3rd Street Saints.
Chain Gang (20)              Drop off a total of 500 chainsaw 
                             the Big Ass Chains multiplayer mode 
                             in ranked matches.
Clocktower Camper (20)       Head shot and kill a total of 100 enemies 
                             with a sniper rifle in ranked matches.
Colombian Made (40)          Take over Los Carnales territory.
Contract Killer (10)         Successfully complete all 
                             of the Hitman locations.
Coupon Clipper (10)          Purchase 100 clothing and jewelry items 
                             for your Multiplayer wardrobe.
Demo Demon (10)              Successfully complete all levels of 
                             Demolition Derby.
Dominator (10)               Win 10 ranked matches in a row.
Errand Boy (10)              Successfully complete Co-Op level Mob Rule 
                             at the highest difficulty level.
Fast and Furious (10)        Successfully complete all of 
                             the Hijacking locations and levels.
Fluffer (10)                 Successfully complete all of 
                             the Escort locations and levels.
Gangsta (40)                 Reach a TrueSkill rank of Gangster 
                             in any Multiplayer mode.
Getting Up (10)              Tag all tag locations 
                             hidden throughout Stilwater.
Grease Monkey (10)           Own a total of 50 cars.
Grifter (10)                 Earn $200,000 in Insurance Fraud.
Jump the Shark (10)          Withdraw a total of $200,000 
                             from the loan office.
Killa (20)                   Reach a TrueSkill rank of Killa 
                             in any Multiplayer mode.
Kingpin (80)                 Reach a TrueSkill rank of Kingpin 
                             in any Multiplayer mode.
Leader of the Pack (10)      Acquire all 7 Homies.
Marathon Runner (10)         Traveled 26.2 miles on foot.
Negotiator (10)              Take 50 hostages.
Penny Pincher (10)           Earn $1,000,000 in the city of Stilwater.
Pimp (10)                    Successfully complete all the Snatch 
                             locations and levels.
Pimps Down (20)              Kill the Pimp In Protect the Pimp 50 times 
                             in ranked matches.
Professional Thief (10)      Steal 30 boxes and deliver them successfully.
Pusher (10)                  Successfully complete all of 
                             the Drug Trafficking locations and levels.
Racket Lord (160)            Successfully complete all activities 
                             in Stilwater.
Reclamationist (10)          Retake Saint's Row.
Regicide (40)                Take over Vice Kings territory.
Road Warrior (40)            Take over Westside Rollerz territory.
Ruler of Stilwater (160)     Help the 3rd Streets Saints take 
                             over Stilwater.
Scavenger (10)               Successfully complete all of 
                             the Chop Shop locations.
Shopaholic (10)              Acquire 100 clothing and jewelry items 
                             for your single player wardrobe.
Stilwater PD Award (10)      Kill 50 Stilwater residents 
                             with only melee attacks.
Thug (10)                    Reach a TrueSkill rank of Thug 
                             in any Multiplayer mode.
Tourist (20)                 Drive 500 miles in the city of Stilwater.
Tuner (10)                   Successfully complete all of 
                             the Racing locations and levels.
Vandal (10)                  Successfully complete all of 
                             the Mayhem locations and levels.
Xzibitionist (20)            Get your team car to level 4 in 
                             the Blinged Out Ride mode a total 
                             of 50 times in ranked matches.

Hijacking Activity
     Complete each individual activity to level 8. Once all activities
are  done  for  that  particular  activity  a bonus unlockable will be

Attrazion Truckyard          District/Copperton Hikacking
Jewelery Suburb              District/Tidal Spring Hijacking
Leather Face                 Complete all hijacking activities
Titan Airport                District/Wardill Airport Hijacking

In-Game Unlockables
     Finding  and  tagging  each  gangs  tag  locations will get you a
reward as well as finding all the tag locations:

Unlockable:                  How to unlock:
"Atrazione" Exotic Car       Complete all 3 Hitman Activities
10% Stamina                  Boost ALL Los Carnales tags
10% Stamina                  Boost ALL Westside Rollerz tags
10% Stamina                  Boost ALL Vice Kings tags
Anchor (car) Suburb          District/Misty Lane Escort
Attrazion Truckyard          District/Copperton Hikacking
Cheap car repair             Complete all chop shops
Dressed To Kill (clothing) Airport 
                             District/Wardill Airport Escort
Gold Plated GDHC .50         Complete "Projects Hitman"
Grenade                      Complete "High End Retail Mayhem"
Health regenerates fast      Complete all 3 Insurance Fraud Activities
Infinite Stamina             ALL tags found and sprayed
Jewelery Suburb              District/Tidal Spring Hijacking
Leather Face                 Complete all hijacking activities
Molotov Cocktail             Complete "Barrio Mayhem"
Mr wong (homie)              Complete "Chinatown Hitman"
Permanent 50% Rimjobs discount 
                             Win all the races.
Pimp Cane Shotgun            Complete all 3 Snatch Activities
Pimp Hat, Fluffy Coat, & Pimp Pants
                             Complete "Barrio Snatch"
Pimp Medallion               Complete "Red Light District Snatch"
Pimp varient of the Baron    Complete "Arena Snatch"
Pipe Bomb                    Complete "Suburbs Mayhem"
Platinum AS12 Riot           Complete "Airport Hitman"
Platinum RPG Launcher        Complete all 3 Hitman Activities
Platinum T3K-Urban           Complete "Chinatown Hitman"
Receive Discount When Repairing Car
                             Complete ALL Chop Shops
Reduced damage from bullets  Complete "Adept Way Insurance Fraud"
Reduced damage from cars     Complete "Cecil Park Insurance Fraud"
Reduced damage from explosions
                             Complete "Chinatown Insurance Fraud"
RPG Launcher                 Complete all 3 Mayhem Activities
Samantha (homie) Red Light   District/Bavogian Plaza Escort
Special Variant of Hollywood Complete Docks & Warehouses Chop Shop
Special Variant of Ricochet  Complete Chinatown Chop Shop
Special Variant of Stiletto  Complete Downtown Chop Shop
The Job (car)                Complete all the activities
Titan Airport                District/Wardill Airport Hijacking
Willy for a Homie            Complete "Saint's Row Snatch"

Reset in-game clock to 9 AM
     Go  to  any  movie  theater  and  watch  the Story cutscenes "The
Streets  of  Stilwater"  and  "Rallying Cry", in that order. After you
watch  the  second  cutscene, the time in the game will reset to 9 AM.
Useful for when you need ammo and Friendly Fire is closed!

Hitman Activity Rewards
You gain these rewards after completing the designated Hitman Activity.

"Atrazione" Exotic Car       Complete all 3 Hitman Activities
Gold Plated GDHC .50         Complete "Projects Hitman"
Platinum AS12 Riot           Complete "Airport Hitman"
Platinum RPG Launcher        Complete all 3 Hitman Activities
Platinum T3K-Urban           Complete "Chinatown Hitman"

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Отзывы посетителей об игре (2)

Автор: фывапро
Игра вообще классная! Реалистичная физика, авто красивые, графика воды отличная. Жалко, что нельзя на самолетах летать и кататься на катерах и лодках.

Автор: NrX108
Самый достойный клон GTA всех времён и народов. Красивая графика, приятная физика поведения машин, а какие разрушения! Удручает только малое разнообразие побочных миссий. Игру, в целом, советую поклонникам GTA и любителям устраивать бада-бум на автострадах.

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