
Saboteur, The

Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore.
Bridge Buster (30)
You destroyed the train.
Buried Secrets (25)
The Resistance was born.
Casanova (10)
Kiss 50 women.
Chain Smoker (5)
Spend a lot of time idling around doing nothing.
Coast Guard (15)
Complete 76 ambient freeplay in Le Havre.
Commando (10)
Complete each type of ambient freeplay.
Crashlander (30)
You sent the Nazi zeppelin up in flames.
Demolition Derby (15)
Destroy 50 vehicles.
Fatherland Fighter (15)
Complete 53 ambient freeplay in Saarbrucken.
Fenderbender (10)
You crashed Dierker's car.
First Blood (5)
Complete your first ambient freeplay event.
Gold Medalist (20)
Obtain your first gold perk.
Guerilla Warfare (15)
Complete 425 ambient freeplay in the countryside.
Hell on Wheels (10)
Complete and win all freeplay races.
High Diver (15)
Jump from the Eiffel Tower and survive.
Into the Fire (40)
You reached Paris.
Knockwurst (10)
You bested your opponents in the bar fight.
Liberator of France (110)
Inspire the people of France.
Master of Disguise (15)
Complete a story mission with disguise intact.
No Witnesses (10)
Complete a mission without raising alarm.
Northern Command (10)
Inspire the people of Paris Area 1.
Not On My Watch (15)
Stop the Nazis from executing 40 civilians.
Out of the Frying Pan (30)
You escaped from Germany.
Payback (50)
You blew up "Doppelsieg."
Pigeon Parfait (5)
Find and play 'Bird Blast.'
Pint and a Shag (10)
You got lucky with Skylar.
Pole Position (40)
You beat Dierker in the Parisian race.
Repo Man (30)
You recovered the Aurora.
Rescue (40)
You rescued Veronique.
Road Trip (10)
You've arrived in Germany with Jules.
Saint Honore' (15)
Spend 75,000 contraband.
Silent Death (10)
Stealth kill 50 or more Nazis.
Silver Streak (10)
Obtain your first silver perk.
Solid Gold (50)
Complete all gold level perks.
Southern Command (10)
Inspire the people of Paris Area 3.
The Legend Begins (100)
You completed The Saboteur.
Top o' the World (15)
Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Tourist (15)
Collect all monument postcards.
Trick or Treat (5)
Stealth kill a Nazi General while disguised.
Unnatural Disaster (15)
Complete 212 ambient freeplay in Paris Area 2.
Vive La Resistance (25)
You inspired your first area of Paris.
Walking WMD (15)
Complete 239 ambient freeplay in Paris Area 3.
Weapon Master (35)
Purchase all weapons available in the shops.
Western Command (10)
Inspire the people of Paris Area 2.
Wrecking Crew (15)
Complete 333 ambient freeplay in Paris Area 1.

Советы наших посетителей (4)

Прислал: Нек
Пройдите игру до момента, когда вы сможете купить ракетницу. Когда купите - просто сбивайте немецкие дельтапланы. За один дельтаплан дают 50 контрабанды [денег]. В ракетнице 2 патрона = 2 дельтаплана. 30 контрабанды стоят 2 патрона. 2 дельтаплана = 100 контрабанды. 100 - 30 = 70 контрабанды прибыли. И так несколько раз, пока не накопите на то, что вам надо. Это работает.

Прислал: jonk
Когда ты только начинаешь игру, ты появляешься в баре. В нём есть vip-подвал - он находится напротив выхода гардероба.

Прислал: Cerygit
Лёгкий заработок. Найдите зенитные установки в сельской местности, уничтожьте в округе немцев. Некоторые установки, не поднимая тревоги, сбивают дирижабли - 50к за один дирижабль.

Прислал: Stalker34
Танки лучше угонять с немецкой формой - меньше подозрения.

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