
Rock of the Dead

Black Hole Strum. (20)
Destroy the Transport Boss.
Collector. (50)
Unlock all extras.
Crazy Train. (20)
Defeat the Rat Boss.
Double Platinum! (80)
Aquire all badges on Hard difficulty.
Encore! (20)
Score 1,000,000 in a bonus level.
Fender Bender. (30)
Complete 10 challenges.
Finger Pickin Good. (60)
Complete 20 challenges.
Gettin the Band Back Together! (20)
Play a co-op game.
Gold Record. (40)
Aquire all badges on 4 levels.
Groovy! (50)
Fully upgrade your shield or blast attack.
Heavy Metal. (20)
Defeat the Spider Boss.
I Need a Burger! (20)
Use shield with less than 25% health.
In the Zone. (50)
Obtain a score multiplier of 100.
It's Alive! (50)
Find all the Rob Zombie pieces.
Multi Platinum! (100)
Aquire all badges on Thrasher difficulty.
Mythbusted. (20)
Defeat the Crocodile Boss.
Perfect! (30)
Complete a level with 100% accuracy.
Platinum Record. (60)
Aquire all badges on all levels.
Rock to the Rescue! (50)
Finish the game and get the good ending.
Rock Will Protect Me! (30)
Complete any level taking no damage.
Rocked the Doodlebug. (20)
Defeat the Ant Lion.
Silver Record. (20)
Aquire all badges on 2 levels.
Social Destruction. (50)
Finish the game and get the evil ending.
Trailer Trashed. (20)
Defeat the Trailersaurus Boss.
Undead Astro Creep. (50)
Defeat Rob Zombie.
Unidentified Rocking Object. (20)
Defeat the UFO Boss.

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