
Rocket Riot

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Been There, Shot That (15):   Use all 20 power-ups in the game, 
                              including the red power-downs. 
                              The tutorial level doesn't count.

Go Forth And Multiplay (10):  Go to multiplayer in the menu, and select 
                              Xbox LIVE. It doesn't matter how high you 
                              get ranked.

I'll Show You 
Fits Of Rage (15):            In any level, online or offline, kill 
                              20 enemies within one minute to unlock 
                              this achievement.

Natural Born Gamer (20):      Kill 5000 enemies throughout the game 
                              to unlock this achievements.

Nice Beating You (10):        Play single player campaign mode 
                              and reach level 10. Defeat Blockbeard 
                              to unlock this achievement.

On A Gamer's Diet (20):       Shoot 50 zombies, 50 robots, 50 pirates 
                              and 50 soldiers. All levels online 
                              and offline count.

One Meeellion Blocks (10):    Destroy a total of 1.000.000 blocks. 
                              All blocks you destroyed from 
                              all levels are counted.

One Shot, 
Thrice The Score (25):        Kill 3 enemies with one shot.

The Things I've Seen (20):    Kill all different types of enemies 
                              in Rocket Riot to unlock this achievement.

Two Thumb Master (20):        Play through all 80 single player levels 
                              successfully to unlock this achievement.

You Can Handle The Riot (20): Play endurance or co-op with friends, 
                              and beat level 50 to unlock 
                              this achievement.

You're Like Some 
Kind Of Robot (15):           Kill a total of 50 enemies with a longshot. 
                              All longshots through the entire 
                              game are counted.

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Отзывы посетителей об игре (1)

Автор: нормировщик
ЧАТ и РУПОР убивают в этой игре. Сплошной мат, оскорбления, политика. Представляю, что бы получил мой внук, допусти я его до этой игры. Оценил игру высоко, т.к. нет надобности лихорадочно ломать клавиатуру, нажимая клавиши. Спасибо. УДАЧИ!

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