Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Alliance (10): None of the escorting Brazilian
soldiers die in mission Urban Nightmare.
Amateur Archeologist (25): Complete mission Ruins of Amazonia
without damaging the dig site.
Anti-sniper (15): Kill the sniper in mission Urban Nightmare
before he notices you.
Veteran difficulty required.
Bombastic (10): Blow up at least 5 vehicles
in mission Wet Dusk.
Bounty Hunter (10): Deliver 50 lethal headshots.
Buddy Tag (20): Successfully complete a mission
in cooperative mode.
Bullet Magnet (0): One of your squad members has been
incapacitated more than 11 times.
Cannon Fodder (25): No one got incapacitated at the grenade
trap in Morning Coffee.
Regular difficulty required.
Clay Jungle (25): Complete the mission Urban Nightmare
in the single player campaign.
Clean Sweep (40): Complete any of the missions without
using any skill ammo.
Cleaner (10): Kill all enemies at the plantation
in mission Morning Coffee.
Coffee Break (25): Complete the mission Morning Coffee
in the single player campaign.
Elite Hunter (10): Kill 5 of the base's elite defender
soldiers in mission Revenge.
Exotic Parts (30): Kill 20 enemy soldiers by explosions.
Experienced Commander (45): Complete 5 missions in veteran difficulty.
Expert Charger (10): Get through the ruins in Shattered Hopes
before the militia catches up.
Veteran difficulty required.
Faithful Companion (100): Successfully complete all missions
in the cooperative multi-player campaign
on any difficulty.
Initiation (15): Complete the Prologue.
Jeep Killer (5): Use your first rocket to kill the jeep
in mission Touchdown.
Regular difficulty required.
Joint Venture (25): Complete the mission Revenge
in the single player campaign.
Kill the Source (5): Destroy all 3 enemy troop carriers
in mission Ferry of Styx.
King of the Hill (5): Complete the village defense objective
without leaving the village square
in the Prologue.
King of the Labyrinth (10): Kill Rodriguez in mission Morning Coffee.
Living Thunderbolt (15): Successfully use the Flash grenade
skill 10 times.
Merciless (5): Kill all fleeing enemies after you defended
the village in the Prologue.
No Way Back (25): Complete the mission Shattered Hopes
in the single player campaign.
Perfect Soldier (35): The elite guards of Juarez can't
incapacitate any of your squad members
in mission Boys Meet Girl.
Prison Break (25): Complete the mission Alliances
in the single player campaign.
Protector (20): No one got incapacitated at the clearing
defense in Village Attack.
Veteran difficulty required.
Reunion (5): Reunite the squads in mission Touchdown.
Rock Solid (20): Keep the enemy away from the civilians
in mission Alliances.
Veteran difficulty required.
Safe SAM Stroll (20): Get to the SAM site without getting
incapacitated after Point Alpha
in mission Touchdown.
Skilled Tactician (10): Acquire the machinegun nest in mission
Shattered Hopes and kill 5 enemy soldiers
with it.
Stealth Approach (30): Get to the gates without being detected
in mission Alliances.
Superior Marksman (10): Deliver a headshot in FPS mode from
over 75 meters.
Supervisor (40): No enemy soldiers get to the workers
in mission Ruins of Amazonia.
Veteran difficulty required.
Survivor (35): Complete mission Revenge without letting
any of your squad members become
Tank Top (15): You used the tanker truck to eliminate
the defenders at the square
in mission Ferry of Styx.
Touchdown (25): Complete the mission Touchdown
in the single player campaign.
Tough Kid (10): No Infiltrator member went down while
at the camp in Village Attack.
Regular difficulty required.
Trapped (25): Complete the mission Wet Dusk
in the single player campaign.
Trojan Horse (25): Complete the mission Ruins of Amazonia
in the single player campaign.
Urban Liberty (25): Complete the mission Ferry of Styx
in the single player campaign.
Village Cleared (25): Complete the mission Village Attack
in the single player campaign.
We're Outta Here! (60): Complete the single player campaign
on any difficulty.
Woodsman (20): Complete Wet Dusk without any of your
squads becoming incapacitated.
Regular difficulty required.
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