
Prison Break: The Conspiracy

All Inked Up (15)
Get tattoos for all six locations on your body
Birds of a Feather (15)
Realize the brothers are breaking out
Blood Red Tiles (15)
Defeat the snitch in the shower room
Bloody Knuckles (15)
Punch the heavy bag for at least 10 minutes (accumulated)
Brutally Chained (15)
Hang Teets with his own chain
Built for the Rough and Tumble (15)
Survive the riot
Burglar (15)
Complete the lock picking tutorial
Company Policy (15)
Mannix arrives at Fox River
Doesn't Play Well with Others (90)
Beat up more than 100 people on Shark
Early Retirement (30)
Terminate Mannix
Enabler (15)
Get the PUGNAc
Everything and the Sink (15)
Dispatch Trumpets with the sink
Fighter (15)
Complete the fighting tutorial
First Blood (15)
Beat your first opponent in underground fights
Guacamole with Lard (15)
Escape Avocado's stranglehold
Guardian Angel (15)
Stop Mannix from killing Linc
Hard Boiled (15)
Escape from the boiler room ambush
In the Crazed Mind's Eye (15)
Steal Haywire's sketches
Indefinite Furlough (30)
Finish the game at any difficulty
Initiation (15)
Arrive in Fox River
Inside Job (15)
Find out that Turk works for the Company
Insult to Injury (30)
Win a fight using only reversal moves and finishing moves
Invisible (90)
Complete every chapter without being seen
Lightning Reflexes (30)
Successfully perform 50 reversal moves in fights
Locksmith (15)
Successfully lock pick or unscrew five doors or grates without being spotted
Man with the Plans (15)
Get the prison blueprints
Massive Overdose (15)
Escape from the asylum after being injected with drugs
Matador (15)
Beat Bellick in the underground fight
Metal Twister (15)
Make it out of the elevator shaft unscathed
Mogul (30)
Earn $5000
Monkey (15)
First time climbing completed
Ninja (15)
Complete chapter one without getting spotted
Pugilist (15)
Don't get knocked out in five consecutive fights
Quid Pro Quo (15)
Complete the first quest to retrieve C-Note's drugs
Ringer (15)
Defeat 50 enemies in underground fights
Shock and Awe (15)
Jump away from the water before getting electrocuted
Stalker (15)
Complete the stealth tutorial
Swole (15)
Lift the weights for at least 10 minutes (accumulated)
The Best Defense... (30)
Win a fight without blocking
The Great White (85)
Finish the game on Shark
The Rat Hunt is On (15)
Secure the letter of testimony
Tunnel Rat (15)
Knock out Bellick in the sewers
Unbruised (15)
Win a match flawlessly in underground fights
Unfinished Business (15)
Relentlessly pursue Mannix over the rooftops
Untouchable (30)
Win a match flawlessly in underground fights on Shark

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