
Pinball FX 2: Marvel Pinball

Abyss (30)
50m depth reached or 10 friends beaten on the Secrets of the Deep table.
Artilleryman (5)
You are the master of cannons on Earth Defense table.
Bombardment (5)
Multiplier reached by a complete bombardment on the Buccaneer table.
Bullwinkle's Top Hat (5)
Ball landed in a hat during the performance of Mr. Know-it-all on the Rocky & Bullwinkle table.
Cannonball Shower (15)
Cannonballs rained or 5 Friends beaten on the Buccaneer table.
Centurion (15)
50 million collected playing Romulus Multiball or 5 friends beaten on the Rome table.
Cookie Jar (30)
A storehouse of monsterly pleasures, a Cookie Jar filled to the brim from the Biolab table!
Counterfeit Box Tops (30)
Wrongdoings of the Two Nogoodniks have been completed on the Rocky & Bullwinkle table.
Cozy Cookie (5)
Awarded by the Mad Professor for not misbehaving too much on the Biolab table!
Decorated Veteran (30)
You got all medals or 10 Friends beaten on the Earth Defense table. Congratulations!
Desert explorer (5)
You successfully led the caravan through the desert or beaten 3 friends on the Pasha table.
Diamond Plated Needle File (15)
An escape completed or 5 friends beaten on the Biolab table!
Eternal Hope (15)
Fought back an alien invasion on the Earth Defense table.
Focused Energy (5)
Wall crumbler punch performed successfully on the Street Fighter II table.
Glorious victory (15)
Invasion of Camelot has been repelled on the Excalibur table.
Infiltrator (30)
Snuck into both the Oil Tanker and the Syscraper on the Agents table.
King of the Playground (15)
Playground Multiball achieved or 5 Friends beaten on Extreme table.
Legatus Legionis (30)
Seized control over the garrisons at least seven times or started FRENZY on the Rome table.
Legend (30)
A Knight's tale has been completed on the Excalibur table.
Legendary Swordsman (15)
You defeated all of the guardians of the hidden mini-playfield on the Pasha table.
Monster Hunter (30)
All of the monsters are captured in the Monster Hunt mode of the Nightmare Mansion table.
Monster Trees (15)
Monster Trees mode activated on the Nightmare Mansion table.
Munifex (5)
Two sucessful shots completed against the galleon during Mock Warfare on the Rome table.
New Discovery (5)
Probe launched successfully on the Secrets of the Deep table.
Pilot Goggles (15)
Super Combo achieved or 5 Friends beaten on the Rocky & Bullwinkle table.
Rampage (30)
A super combo performed or 10 Friends beaten on the Speed Machine table.
Reliable (5)
Always got the missions at the right time from the Command Base on the Agents table.
Renowned knight (5)
Renown secured or 3 Friends beaten on the Excalibur table.
Safety First (5)
You had Kickback and Ball Saver at the same time on Speed Machine table.
Skull Shot (5)
The skull of has been smacked up or 3 Friends beaten on the Nightmare Mansion table.
Skybencher (30)
Reached the sky by hitting the Ollie ramp during multiball on the Extreme table.
Story teller (30)
All tales have been completed on the Pasha table.
Street Artist (5)
TAG spelled on Extreme table.
Swashbuckler (30)
A pirate adventure has been completed on the Buccaneer table.
Talented Fighter (15)
You fought well on the Street Fighter II table.
Teamwork (15)
Partnership Multiball earned or 5 Friends beaten on the Agents table.
The Final Round (30)
M. Bison has been defeated or 10 Friends beaten on the Street Fighter II table.
The Heat Is On (15)
All police stars were lit on the Speed Machine table.
Treasure Hunter (15)
Shipwreck explored completely on the Secrets of the Deep table.
Captain America DLC Achievements
Reunited (15)
Find each member of the Howling Commandos on Captain America (Single player only).
Stars and Stripes (30)
Defeat the Red Skull in the Final Clash mission series on Captain America (Single player only).
The Cosmic Cube (5)
Use the Cosmic Cube to your advantage on Captain America (Single player only).

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