
Pinball FX

Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore:
Alien Technology (10)
Collect at least five artifacts on the Agents pinball table.
Angel (15)
Do a plus Airwalk free trick during any competition on the Extreme pinball table.
Elite Operative (15)
Complete a Hurry Up mode within 20 seconds on the Agents pinball table.
Emerald Flasher (10)
Score enough to earn your first Extra Ball.
First Aid Kit (10)
Complete the Bungee Jumping game on the Extreme pinball table.
Good Luck (10)
Earn 2 Million points on any pinball table.
Mr. Falcon (30)
Win the State Championship on the Extreme pinball table.
Multi-tasker (10)
Start any of the multi-ball modes.
Platinum Cylinders (10)
Complete the Overheat Hurry Up mode on the Speed Machine pinball table.
Professional (30)
Win the Final Confrontation game mode on the Agents pinball table.
Speed Demon (30)
Win the Wizard Tournament on the Speed Machine pinball table.
Sweet Ride (20)
Collect at least two tunings on the Speed Machine pinball table.
Nightmare Mansion Table DLC Achievement
Monster Hunter (20)
You have explored the deepest cellars of Nightmare Mansion.
Rocky and Bullwinkle Table DLC Achievement
True Friend (20)
Obtain the special award by rotating the spinner 300 times on the Rocky and Bullwinkle table!
Buccaneer Table DLC Achievements
Ball Madness (10)
Activate the Frenzy mode on Buccaneer to complete Ball Madness!

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