
Pinball Arcade, The

Black Hole High Score (10)
Achieve a top 5 local high score on Black Hole.
Black Hole Skilled (15)
Complete the Standard Goals on Black Hole.
Black Hole Wizard (25)
Complete the Wizard Goals on Black Hole.
Ripley's High Score (10)
Achieve a top 5 local high score on Ripley's Believe it or Not.
Ripley's Skilled (15)
Complete the Standard Goals on Ripley's Believe it or Not.
Ripley's Wizard (25)
Complete the Wizard Goals on Ripley's Believe it or Not.
Tales High Score (10)
Achieve a top 5 local high score on Tales Of The Arabian Nights.
Tales Skilled (15)
Complete the Standard Goals on Tales of the Arabian Nights.
Tales Wizard (25)
Complete the Wizard Goals on Tales of the Arabian Nights.
Theatre High Score (10)
Achieve a top 5 local high score on Theatre of Magic.
Theatre Skilled (15)
Complete the Standard Goals on Theatre of Magic.
Theatre Wizard (25)
Complete the Wizard Goals on Theatre of Magic.
Achievements: Two table add-on pack #1
Bride High Score (15)
Achieve a top 5 local high score on Bride of PinBot.
Medieval High Score (15)
Achieve a top 5 local high score on Medieval Madness.
Achievements: Two table add-on pack #2
Cirqus High Score (15)
Achieve a top 5 local high score on Cirqus Voltaire.
Funhouse High Score (15)
Achieve a top 5 local high score on Funhouse.

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