
Pimp My Ride

     Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore 

Ghost Ride the Town (10 points): 
     Perform perfectly in a Ghost Riding Event. 

Hot Steppin' Perfection (10 points): 
     Perform perfectly in a Hot Stepping Event. 

Crowd Pleaser (45 points): 
     Grab the crowd's attention at every Cruise location. 

Xzibit Challenged (100 points): 
     Find and complete all of Xzibit's challenges. 

Beach Pimpin' (40 points): 
     Complete all missions in New Wave Beach. 

Industrial Pimpin' (40 points): 
     Complete all missions in Industrial Island. 

Hip Hop Pimpin' (40 points): 
     Complete all missions in Hip Hop Heights. 

Downtown Pimpin' (40 points): 
     Complete all missions in Downtown Metro. 

Uptown Pimpin' (40 points): 
     Complete all missions in Uptown Underground. 

Pimp In The Making (10 points): 
     Successfully pimp your first customer. 

Pimped To Perfection (135 points): 
     Pimp every car to perfection. 

Pimpin' All Over the World (75 points): 
     Pimp out as many cars as you can. 

Speed of the Pimpee (45 points): 
     Get a customer's car speed up to 140 MPH. 

Speed of the Pimp (45 points): 
     Get Xzibit's car's speed up to 150 MPH. 

Street Warrior (75 points): 
     Take out 20 RPM vehicles. 

Billboards in New Wave Beach (15 points): 
     Destroy all the billboards in New Wave Beach. 

Billboards in Industrial Island (15 points): 
     Destroy all the billboards in Industrial Island. 

Billboards in Hip Hop Heights (15 points): 
     Destroy all the billboards in Hip Hop Heights. 

Billboards in Downtown Metro (15 points): 
     Destroy all the billboards in Downtown Metro. 

Billboards in Uptown Underground (15 points): 
     Destroy all the billboards in Uptown Underground. 

Meters in New Wave Beach (20 points): 
     Destroy all the parking meters in New Wave Beach. 

Meters in Industrial Island (20 points): 
     Destroy all the parking meters in Industrial Island. 

Meters in Hip Hop Heights (20 points): 
     Destroy all the parking meters in Hip Hop Heights. 

Meters in Downtown Metro (20 points): 
     Destroy all the parking meters in Downtown Metro. 

Meters in Uptown Underground (20 points): 
     Destroy all the parking meters in Uptown Underground. 

Moneybags in New Wave Beach (15 points): 
     Collect all of the Cash Tokens in New Wave Beach. 

Moneybags in Industrial Island (15 points): 
     Collect all of the Cash Tokens in Industrial Island. 

Moneybags in Hip Hop Heights (15 points): 
     Collect all of the Cash Tokens in Hip Hop Heights. 

Moneybags in Downtown Metro (15 points): 
     Collect all of the Cash Tokens in Downtown Metro. 

Moneybags in Uptown Underground (15 points): 
     Collect all of the Cash Tokens in Uptown Underground. 

Additional customers

Pimp Maria's and Andrea's ride to unlock Hari, Leon, and Alix 
as customers.

Pimp Hari's, Leon's, and Alix's ride to unlock Alyana, Jason, and Sandra 
as customers. 

Pimp Alyana, Jason, and Sandra's rides to unlock Zeke, Na, and Jewels 
as customers.

Better score
     Most of the time the kind of things in most need of pimping are 
     usually body kits, paint jobs, and rims. Go for them first 
     to get a better score.

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Страница: Читы на Pimp My Ride для Xbox 360

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