
Penguins of Madagascar, The

Chameleon Collector (50)
Find all chameleons in the game.
Most Recent Ultimate Lizards (25)
Find all twelve chameleons in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story.
Dolphin Trainer (15)
Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story.
Dolphin Domination (30)
Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story.
Operation Complete (80)
Complete all levels in The Penguins of Madagascar.
Operation Super Complete (120)
Complete all levels in The Penguins of Madagascar on Hard.
Dr. Blowhole!? (50)
Complete all levels in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story.
Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen (50)
Complete all levels in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story.
Revenge of the Robo-Penguins (50)
Complete all levels in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story.
Archaeologist (15)
Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story.
Robot Wrangler (30)
Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story
Mecha Chameleons (25)
Find all twelve chameleons in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story.
Robotologist (15)
Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story.
Treasure Hunter (30)
Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story.
The Lizards of Lemurkhamen (25)
Find all twelve chameleons in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story.
Having a Blast (15)
Get perfect on a Rico Explosive.
Monkey Business (15)
Get perfect on a Monkey Match.
Slip Slidin' (15)
Get perfect on a Belly Slide.
Mad Knowledge (10)
Get perfect on a Trivia challenge.
Leapin' Lizards! (15)
Get perfect on a Jump.
Penguins Can Fly! (20)
Get perfect on a Hang Time.
Take Your Best Shot (10)
Play the first Rico Target Challenge.
Trivia Dabbler (10)
Played Marlene's Trivia.
Hacker Supreme (20)
Get perfect on a Head Maze.
Poser (20)
Get perfect on a Strike A Pose.
Blast Off (20)
Get perfect on Rico's Launch.
Feeling Jumpy? (10)
Jump (non-challenge) ten times in one level.
Perfection (30)
Get perfect on every challenge in a level.
Show Me How To Do That (50)
Get the awesomeness meter to x5 for 20 seconds.
Awesome Recruit (5)
Get the awesomeness meter to x5.
All Kinds of Awesome (20)
Get the awesomeness meter to x5 for 10 seconds.
Kick It With the King (10)
Play King Julien's Dance Party.
Balancing Act (10)
Get perfect on a Balance.
Right On Target (10)
Hit 25 Throw Targets.
Over the Top (10)
Get perfect on a Climb.
Shake Your Rear End (20)
Score a total of 1,000,000 points in any song in King Julien's Dance Party.
Say Cheese (10)
Play King Julien's Critique.

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