

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable                   How to Unlock
Red Minions (10)             Retrieve the Red Hive
Green Minions (10)           Retrieve the Green Hive
Blue Minions (10)            Retrieve the Blue Hive
Steel Smelter (10)           Retrieve a Smelter
Durium Smelter (15)          Retrieve a powerful Smelter
Arcanium Smelter (20)        Retrieve the most Powerful Smelter
Ultimate Steel (10)          Forge an Ultimately Imbued Steel Set
Full Corruption (50)         Win with the blackest heart
Zero Corruption (50)         Win with the clearest conscience
Defeat the Wizard (50)       Defeat the 7th Hero
Defeat Jewel (20)            Steal a Hero
Defeat Kahn (20)             Get angry with a Hero
Defeat Goldo (20)            End a Hero's obsession
Defeat Sir William (20)      Cure a Hero of life
Defeat Oberon (20)           Put a Hero to sleep. Permanently.
Defeat Melvin (20)           Puncture a Hero
Retrieve the Food (10)       Retrieve the Food, 
                             but will you keep or return it? 
Obtain a Mistress (20)       Get yourself a little company 
                             and some help spending your money
Rebuild the Tower (10)       Retrieve a Crane to start rebuilding the Tower
Power up the Tower (10)      Retrieve the Tower Heart to power up the Tower
Ultimate Durium (20)         Forge an Ultimately Imbued Durium Set
10 Wins in Slaughter (30)    Win 10 ranked Slaughter matches
50 Wins in Slaughter (40)    Win 50 ranked Slaughter matches
Ultimate Arcanium (40)       Forge an Ultimately Imbued Arcanium Set
Full Durium (10)             Forge a full Durium set
Full Arcanium (20)           Forge a full Arcanium set
Minion Harvester (10)        Harvest Lifeforce
Amass Minions (10)           Harvest lots of Lifeforce
Minion Hoarder (15)          Harvest a huge amount of Lifeforce
Minion Multitude (40)        Harvest a massive amount of Lifeforce
Tower Master (40)            Collect all the Tower Objects
Ultimate Horde (40)          Get a full Horde, fully equipped
Dungeon Dabbler (20)         Defeat half the Dungeon Creatures
Dungeon Overlord (30)        Defeat all the Dungeon Creatures
Mistress Master (40)         Fulfill your Mistress's wishes
Survivor (10)                Last for 5 minutes in Survival
Superior Survivor (20)       Last for 15 minutes in Survival
Ultimate Survivor (30)       Last for 30 minutes in Survival
Compete in Pillage (10)      Complete a ranked Pillage match
Win in Pillage (20)          Win a ranked Pillage match
10 Wins in Pillage (30)      Win 10 ranked Pillage matches
50 Wins in Pillage (40)      Win 50 ranked Pillage matches
Compete in Slaughter (10)    Complete a ranked Slaughter match
Win in Slaughter (20)        Win a ranked Slaughter match

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Прислал: Эдуард
Дабы найти меч-жизнекрад, который полезен, но мало кто о нем знает, надо пойти в Бездну гномов и идти до золотой статуи. Потом прямо промеж шахт. Там обитает скелет-воскрешатель. Убив его, идите влево, где овечки. На середине поляны оглянитесь и увидите вторую такую поляну, только там уже взрываются овечки. Идите туда и найдете меч. Злой игры! И помните - в оружие включены прихвостни-мечи и подчиненные!

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