
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

Advent of the Goddess (15)
Finished Day 7.
Antediluvian Slumber (15)
Finished Day 3.
Bloody Rage (10)
Reached the maximum karma multiplier during Bloody Rage.
Bumpy Ride (10)
Finished Day 2.
Cooperation (10)
Finished Day 2 - Ayane.
Crystal Skull (50)
Cleared all Tests of Valor.
Dark Savior (10)
Saved an ally.
Dual Sword Master (15)
Defeated 1,000 enemies with Dual Swords.
Eclipse Scythe Master (15)
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Eclipse Scythe.
Falcon Dive (5)
Successfully mastered the Falcon Dive technique.
Falcon's Talons Master (15)
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Falcon's Talons.
Feat of a Hundred Slashes (20)
Achieved a 100-hit combo.
Flying Bird Flip (5)
Successfully mastered the Flying Bird Flip technique.
Fuma Kodachi Master (15)
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Fuma Kodachi.
Golden Scarab (30)
Obtained all Golden Scarabs.
Hayabusa Style Grand Master (15)
Reached Level 50.
Heavenly Dragon Master (15)
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Heavenly Dragon.
I Got Your Back (10)
Completed a Co-op Ninja Trial.
Initiate (10)
Cleared 10 Acolyte Trials.
Initiation (5)
Played a Clan Battle.
Izuna Drop (5)
Successfully mastered the Izuna Drop technique.
Katana Master (15)
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Katana.
Kunai Climb (5)
Successfully mastered the Kunai Climb technique.
Kunoichi (30)
Cleared all chapters with Ayane, Momiji, and Kasumi.
Kusari-gama Master (15)
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Kusari-gama.
Lone Ninja (30)
Cleared 10 Solo Trials.
Lunar Staff Master (15)
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Lunar Staff.
Master Ninja (75)
Cleared the game on Master Ninja difficulty.
Mentor (50)
Cleared the game on Hard difficulty.
Ninpo Master (5)
Successfully mastered a Ninpo spell.
Obliteration Technique (5)
Successfully mastered the Obliteration Technique.
On Your Own (10)
Finished Day 6 - Ayane.
Overlord (50)
Cleared 5 Master Ninja Trials.
Prestige (10)
Cleared 5 Leader Trials.
Shinobi (30)
Cleared the game on Normal difficulty.
Shrouded Moon Master (15)
Defeated 1000 enemies with the Shrouded Moon.
Sliding (5)
Successfully mastered the Sliding technique.
Steel on Bone (5)
Successfully mastered the Steel on Bone technique.
Steel on Steel (10)
Destroyed the Spider Tank.
Teamwork (15)
Won a Clan Battle.
The Great Escape (15)
Finished Day 4.
The Grip of Murder (10)
Finished Day 1.
The Karma of a Shinobi (15)
Finished Day 5.
Ultimate (100)
Cleared 3 Ultimate Ninja Trials.
Ultimate Ninja (100)
Cleared the game on Ultimate Ninja difficulty.
Ultimate Technique (5)
Successfully mastered an Ultimate Technique.
Veteran (10)
Cleared 10 Mentor Trials.
Waiting (15)
Finished Day 6.
Wall Run (5)
Successfully mastered the Wall Run technique.
You Got Skills (30)
Unlocked all Ninja Skills for Hayabusa, Ayane, Momiji, Kasumi, and Unknown Ninja.

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