
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

A New Threat (20):       Escape Federal Archives

Anubee (10):             Complete Anubis Columns Puzzle

Art Appreciation (30):   Activate all Paintings Traps in the Washington 
                         Art Museum with the Flashlight

Been There, 
Done That (100):         Obtain all Awards in the Awards Room

Castle Me (20):          Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible 
                         in Smithsonian Castle

City Pass (40):          Explore All Museums

Coin a Phrase (20):      Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible 
                         in Federal Archives

Crown Jewels (10):       Return the Hope Diamond

Final Frontier (30):     Complete National Air and Space Museum: Hangar

Fine Art (30):           Complete Washington Art Museum

Flashback (20):          Complete Tablet Tutorial 
                         at New York Museum of Natural History

For Art's Sake (20):     Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible 
                         in Washington Art Museum

Fossil Fuel (10):        Complete the Trilobite Puzzle in the National 
                         Museum of Natural History

Fourth of July (20):     Acquire all "Souvenir Document" Collectibles

Gone Postal (20):        Acquire all "Postcard" Collectibles

Hey! Dum-dum! (10):      Give the Gum to Stonehead

In Orbit (10):           Free Able from her Restraints

Inflation (20):          Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible 
                         in National Air and Space Museum

Lady Lindy (10):         Restore Power to Amelia Earhart's Plane

Personality (20):        Acquire all "Museum Magnet" Collectibles

Mint Condition (20):     Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible 
                         in New York Museum of Natural History

Monkeyshines (30):       Complete National Air 
                         and Space Museum: Able Chase

Morning Comes (50):      Save the World

Mudface (20):            Repair all Broken Exhibits 
                         in Washington Art Museum

Natural Wonder (30):     Complete National Museum of Natural History

No Quarter (20):         Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible 
                         in National Museum of Natural History

Penny Pinch (20):        Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible 
                         in Lincoln Memorial

Picasso (20):            Acquire all "Paint Tube" Collectibles

Pressin' Yer Luck (100): Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible 
                         in ALL Museums

Rexy's Favorite (20):    Acquire all "Bone" Collectibles

Rotor Router (20):       Complete the Autogyro Flight

The Eagle Has 
Landed (20):             Complete Lunar Lander sequence with at least 
                         Two Bars of Health Remaining

The Light Touch (10):    Tame all Animals

Toolbox Hero (20):       Acquire all "Pilot's Wings" Collectibles

Who's Got It All? (100): Collect 100% of Hidden Items

With a Monkey 
Chaser (10):             Navigate the Vending Machine

Wrench Wrangler (20):    Acquire all "Wrench" Collectibles

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