
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations

Card Codes
The codes that are on the playing cards (top right corner) that you can enter in the game (at the option menu where it says enter password) are all the same
Gives you Haku
Gives you Naruto Uzumaki playing card
Gives you Zabuza Momochi
10 Down (30)
You've defeated 10 opponents in Ultimate Survival.
Advanced Survivor! (15)
You've completed all of Advanced Survival.
Akatsuki Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Akatsuki Tournament.
Beginner Survivor! (15)
You've completed all of Beginner Survival.
Boy's Life Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Boy's Life Tournament.
First Ninja Tool Edit! (5)
You've edited a ninja tool set for the first time.
First S Rank! (5)
You've earned your first S Rank in a battle.
First Shopping! (5)
You've done your first shopping.
Five Kage Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Five Kage Tournament.
I'm the greatest ninja! (0)
You've unlocked all achievements.
Image Master (15)
Images collected: 80%
Intermediate Survivor! (15)
You've completed all of Intermediate Survival.
Introductory Stage Survivor! (15)
You've completed all of Introductory Survival.
Leaf Chunin Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Leaf Chunin Tournament.
Leaf Genin Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed all Leaf Genin Tournament battles.
Leaf Higher-Up Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Leaf Higher-Up Tournament.
New Team Seven Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the New Team Seven Tournament.
Ninja Info Card Collector (5)
Ninja Info Card images collected: 50%
Ninja Tool Master (15)
Ninja Tools collected: 80%
Peerless Ninja Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Peerless Ninja Tournament.
Sand Genin Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Sand Genin Tournament.
Shippuden Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Shippuden Tournament.
Substitution Jutsu Master (15)
Substitution Jutsu collected: 80%
Tale of Naruto Uzumaki complete (15)
Completed Tale of Naruto Uzumaki.
Tale of Sasuke Uchiha complete (15)
Completed Tale of Sasuke Uchiha.
Tale of Young Naruto complete (15)
Completed Tale of Young Naruto.
Team Seven Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Team Seven Tournament.
Ultimate Jutsu Movie Master (15)
Ultimate Jutsu scenes collected: 80%
Ultimate Ninja Tournament Champ! (15)
You've completed the Ultimate Ninja Tournament.
Wealthy Ninja (50)
You've earned a total of 1,000,000 Ryo.

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