
Monster Jam

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. 

Unlockable:                        How to Unlock:

Outta My Way! (20)                 Break through 8 different Monster 
                                   Obstacles in Championship Mode. 

Car Crusher (25)                   Crush 100 cars in Championship Mode. 

Coastal Series Competitor (25)     Complete all events in the Coastal 
                                   Series on Normal mode. 

Grave Digger Fanatic (25)          Complete all races in Championship 
                                   Mode using the Grave Digger Monster 

Hat Trick (25)                     Win 3 Championship events in a row. 

Midwest Series Competitor (25)     Complete all events in the Midwest 
                                   Series on Normal mode. 

Monster Mutt Fanatic (25)          Complete all races in Championship 
                                   Mode using the Monster Mutt Monster 

South East Series Competitor (25)  Complete all events in the South East 
                                   Series on Normal mode. 

Southern Series Competitor (25)    Complete all events in the Southern 
                                   Series on Normal mode. 

Obstacle Shmobstacle! (30)         Break through all 20 Monster 
                                   Obstacles in Championship Mode. 

Automobile Annihilator (35)        Crush 500 cars in Championship Mode. 

Coastal Series Champion (35)       Achieve 1st place in the Coastal 
                                   Series on Normal mode. 

Coastal Series Contender (35)      Complete all events in the Coastal 
                                   Series on Pro mode. 

Hot Streak (35)                    Win 6 Championship events in a row. 

Midwest Series Champion (35)       Achieve 1st place in the Midwest 
                                   Series on Normal mode. 

Midwest Series Contender (35)      Complete all events in the Midwest 
                                   Series on Pro mode. 

South East Series Champion (35)    Achieve 1st place in the South East 
                                   Series on Normal mode. 

South East Series Contender (35)   Complete all events in the South East 
                                   Series on Pro mode. 

Southern Series Champion (35)      Achieve 1st place in the Southern 
                                   Series on Normal mode. 

Southern Series Contender (35)     Complete all events in the Southern 
                                   Series on Pro mode. 

Coastal Series Conqueror (40)      Achieve 1st place in the Coastal 
                                   Series on Pro mode. 

Midwest Series Conqueror (40)      Achieve 1st place in the Midwest 
                                   Series on Pro mode. 

South East Series Conqueror (40)   Achieve 1st place in the South East 
                                   Series on Pro mode. 

Southern Series Conqueror (40)     Achieve 1st place in the Southern 
                                   Series on Pro mode. 

Apocarlypse (50)                   Crush 1000 cars in Championship Mode.

Monster Collection (50)            Unlock all Monster Trucks. 

World Freestyle Champion (60)      Achieve 1st place in Sam Boyd 
World Racing Champion (60)         Achieve 1st place in Sam Boyd Race.

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