
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

     Press  Left,  Left,  Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start at a
S.H.I.E.L.D.  Access  point (where you select your team). A sound will
confirm correct code entry.

Silver Surfer:
     Press  Down,  Left,  Left,  Up, Right, Up, Down, Left, Start at a
S.H.I.E.L.D.  Access  point (where you select your team). A sound will
confirm correct code entry.

All characters:
     Press  Up,  Up,  Down,  Down, Left, Left, Start at a S.H.I.E.L.D.
save zone menu or the main menu.

All powers:
     Press  Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right,
Start at a S.H.I.E.L.D. save zone menu or the main menu.

All costumes:
     Press  Up,  Down,  Up,  Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down,
Start at a S.H.I.E.L.D. save zone menu or the main menu.

The Courses:
     Press  Up, Right, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down, Start at the
simulator terminal screen where you choose a Comic Book mission.

All comic book covers:
     Press  Left,  Right,  Right,  Left,  Up,  Up, Right, Start at the
Review menu.

All concept art:
     Press  Down,  Down,  Down, Right, Right, Left, Down, Start at the
Review menu.

All cinematics:
     Press Up, Left, Left, Up, Right, Right, Up, Start at the Review menu.

All wallpapers:
     Press Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Up, Down at the Review menu.

     Press Left, Right, Right, Left, Up, Down, Down, Up during game play.

God Mode:
     Press  Up,  Down,  Up,  Down, Up, Left, Down, Right, Start during
game play.

Touch of Death:
     Press Left, Right, Down, Down, Right, Left, Start during game play.

Super Speed:
     Press Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right during game play.

100,000 Gold Coins:
     Press  Up,  Up,  Up, Left, Right, Left, Start at the team menu or
hero management screen.

Level 30 team:
     Press  Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Start at the
team menu.


Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Marvel Geek (5)               Answer 15 Trivia questions correctly

Marvel Master (10)            Answered 150 Trivia questions correctly.

Melee Master (15)             Performed 50 Finishing Moves.

Mephisto's Defeat (45)        Defeat Mephisto.

Pugilist (5)                  Performed 5 Finishing Moves.

Scared of Heights (20)        Threw 50 Enemies off a ledge

Scarlet Swashbuckler (30)     Unlock Daredevil.

Son of a Devil (15)           Defeat Blackheart.

Super Hero Team (15)          Completed 25 levels with 
                              at least 1 other player

Surfs Up (30)                 Unlock Silver Surfer.

Swimming with the Fish (15)   Defeat Kraken

Teamwork (5)                  Completed 1 level with 3 other players.

Teh Mast3r (25)               Won 15 Arcade Mode levels consecutively.

The Destroyer (25)            Win 100 Arcade Mode Levels

The Executioner's Blade (15)  Defeat Executioner and Enchantress.

The Power Cosmic (45)         Defeat Galactus.

The Trickster (45)            Defeat Loki.

The Ultimate Superhero (50)   Defeat 4000 enemies

Titanic Victory (15)          Defeat Titannus.

Touch of Death(30)            Perform 200 finishing moves.

Ultimate Team Alliance (15)   Completed 25 levels with 3 other players.

Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (30)    Unlock Nick Fury.

Battle Hardened (15)          Win 20 Arcade Mode Levels

Battle Tested (5)             Won 1 Arcade Mode Level

Blue Screen of Death (15)     Defeat M.O.D.O.K.

Comic God (15)                Answered 20 Trivia questions correctly 
                              in a row.
Deathbird's Defeat (15)       Defeat Deathbird.

Defeated Grey Gargoyle (15)   Defeat Grey Gargoyle.

Doomed Ending (45)            Defeat Dr. Doom.

Dragon Slayer (15)            Defeat Fin Fang Foom.

Dressed for Success (45)      Unlock all outfits for every hero.

Excelsior! (50)               Beat Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 
                              in Hard Mode.

Fall to Death (10)            Throw 5 enemies off a ledge.

Fledgling Superhero (5)       Defeated 10 enemies.

Game Over (15)                Defeat Arcade.

Giant Relief (15)             Defeat Ymir.

Golden Age of Comics (30)     Attained Gold on all Comic Missions.

Good Samaritan (20)           Completed Skrull Cityscape level 
                              without defeating a single enemy

I Have a Friend (5)           Completed a level with 
                              at least 1 other player.

Legendary Superhero (15)      Defeated 100 enemies.

Mad Skillz (10)               Win 3 Arcade Mode levels consecutively.

Mandarin's Downfall (45)      Defeat Mandarin.

Underwater Battle (15)        Defeat Tigershark and Attuma.

Wakandan Royalty (30)         Unlock Black Panther.

Warrior's Path (15)           Defeat Gladiator.

Widowmaker (30)               Throw 500 enemies off a ledge

Archer Apparel (20)           Unlocked all the outfits for Hawkeye

Creed Cloth (20)              Unlocked all the outfits for Sabretooth

Doom's Duds (20)              Unlocked all the outfits for Doom.

Doppelganger (25)             Doom has spoken with himself

Fleeting Allies (20)          Mangeto has spoken to Xavier

Gamma Grab (20)               Unlocked all the outfits for Hulk

Magnetic Regalia (20)         Unlocked all the outfits for Magento

Mutant Love (20)              Cyclops has spoken to Jean

Optic Outfits (20)            Unlocked all the outfits for Cyclops

Symbiote Skins (20)           Unlocked all the outfits for Venom

Teleport Threads (20)         Unlocked all the outfits for Nightcrawler

Wrong Claws (25)              Sabretooth has been mistaken for wolverine

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