
Man vs. Wild

All God's Creatures (20)
Find all the animals of interest in the Everglades
Animal Kingdom (20)
Locate all Animals of Interest in the Rockies
As I Scan This Wasted Land (100)
Complete the "Sahara" campaign.
Bear Grylls (100)
Reach the Level "Bear Grylls"
Bob's Boats (20)
Find all of Bob McClure's Boats in the Everglades
Born Survivor (100)
Complete all episodes without passing out
Casted Away (20)
Find all the Man Made Items in Deserted Island
Climbing the Rockies (100)
Complete the "Rocky Mountains" campaign.
Down in the Low, Low Land (100)
Complete the "Everglades" campaign.
Flight 815 (20)
Find all the Plane Debris in Deserted Island
Hard to Pronounce, Hard to Find (20)
Find all Five Andiperla Willinkis in Patagonia
Horticulture Grylls (20)
Locate the Rare Plants in the Rockies
How about A Winter's Tale (100)
Complete the "Patagonia" campaign.
Nice Place You Had Here (20)
Locate all the Trash in Patagonia
Only Hope Can Keep Me Together (100)
Complete the "Deserted Island" campaign.
Osteologist Grylls (20)
Find all the Camel Bones in the Sahara
Pack Rat Grylls (20)
Tag all the Junk in the Everglades
Patton Was Here (20)
Find all the WWII Artifacts in the Sahara
Reminders of the Rush (20)
Locate all the Gold Rush Trash in the Rockies
These Belong in a Museum (20)
Find all the Ancient Artifacts in the Sahara
Wild, Man! (40)
Completed the Tutorial in Base Camp

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