
Lord of the Rings, The: War in the North

Against All Odds (80)
Complete a playthrough on Legendary difficulty.
Bane of Mordor (25)
Kill 600 enemies in a single playthrough.
Battle-master (20)
Unlock every active-cast ability in one character's skill tree.
Begone, lord of carrion! (20)
Defeat the Barrow Wight Lord.
Champion of the North (20)
Achieve level 20.
Defender of the North (10)
Achieve level 10.
Dragon-hoard (20)
Amass 25,000 coins.
Eagle Savior (20)
Defeat Agandaur without the aid of Beleram.
Elf-friend (10)
Join forces with the sons of Elrond.
Expert Treasure-hunter. (25)
Locate 5 gilded treasure chests in a single playthrough.
Fell-handed (20)
Deal 1500 damage in a single melee strike.
Foe-hammer (10)
Kill 200 enemies in a single playthrough.
Friend of the Woodland Realm (10)
Free the elf from his captors in Mirkwood Marsh.
Friend to the Eagles (20)
Help free the Great Eagle Beleram.
Friend to the Ring-bearer (10)
Speak with Frodo in Rivendell.
Gem-studded (10)
Slot an elfstone into an item.
Giant-slayer (20)
Slay Bargrisar the stone giant.
Herb-master (10)
Create 15 potions in a single playthrough.
Hero of Legend (50)
Complete a playthrough on Heroic difficulty.
Hero of the North (80)
Defeat Sauron's Lieutenant Agandaur.
In the Dragon's Den (20)
Meet a dragon and survive.
Keen-eyed Marksman (20)
Kill 50 enemies with headshots in a single playthrough.
Like a Thunderbolt (20)
Deal 3000 damage with a single ranged strike.
Living Shield (20)
Absorb 25,000 total damage during the course of 1 level.
Many deeds, great and small (20)
Complete 15 quests in a single playthrough.
Mountain-breaker (25)
Help destroy the citadel within Mount Gundabad.
Now for wrath, now for ruin! (20)
Kill 4 enemies simultaneously.
Relentless (20)
While in Hero Mode, perform a streak of 50 hits.
Seeker (20)
Discover 25 secrets in a single playthrough.
Siege-breaker (35)
Help weather the siege of Nordinbad.
Spider-slayer (25)
Slay Saenathra.
Strength of Our Alliance (25)
Slay one enemy together with 2 other players.
Sudden Fury (10)
Perform 3 critical hits within 10 seconds.
Swift-winged Warrior (20)
Summon Beleram 10 times in a single playthrough.
Tharzog's Bane (20)
Defeat Agandaur's lieutenant Tharzog.
The Lidless Eye (25)
Complete the investigation of the Cult of the Lidless Eye.
Tracker (10)
Discover what happened to the missing Rangers.
Troll's Bane (10)
Slay the wild snow trolls.
Trusted with the Secret (10)
Learn of the Ring of Power and the plan for its destruction.
Victorious in Battle (25)
Complete a playthrough on at least Normal difficulty.
War-hardened (10)
Achieve at least 1 rank in a tier 3 skill.
War-machinist (20)
Kill 150 enemies with war machines in a single playthrough.
Warrior Exemplar (25)
For one character unlock every skill that provides a modification to War Cry, Sanctuary or Evasion.
Well-arrayed (25)
Equip a complete magical armor set.
Where there's life, there's hope (10)
Revive a fallen ally.
Wulfrun's Bane (20)
Defeat the Sorceror Wulfrun.

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