
Legend of Spyro, The: Dawn of the Dragon


Air Grappler (5): Perform 100 Enemy Air Grabs

Armory (15): Complete all Armor Sets

Army Slayer (20): Kill 1000 Enemies

Berserker (5): Launch 20 Fury attacks

Bodyguard (5): Bring the Artilleryman back to his catapult 
    in less than 5 minutes

Buddy System (50): Complete the game with at least 90% of the time 
    in 2 Players Mode

Burned Lands crossed (40): Complete the Burned Lands

Button Smasher (10): Perform a 300 hit Combo string

Close Warfang Gate (30): Complete the City of Warfang

Combo Maker (5): Perform a 70 hit Combo string

Combo Master (5): Perform a 125 hit Combo string

Complete the game (130): Complete the game a 100%

Dark Knight (10): Kill 70 Shadows

Destroy Malefor (30): Complete Malefor's Lair

Dragon Assassin (40): Kill Malefor without dying once

Dragon Heart (25): Find all Health Upgrades

Dragon Mind (25): Find all XP Crystals

Dragon Spirit (25): Find all Elemental Upgrades

Elite Destroyer (15): Kill all Elite Enemies

Elitist (15): Upgrade one element to Max Level

Enchanted Forest (10): Complete the Twilight Falls

Entrepreneur (50): Upgrade all your elements to Max Level

Escaped the Catacombs (20): Complete the Catacombs

Executioner (10): Kill 625 Enemies

Flood the Valley (30): Complete the Dragon Dam

Freed Hunter (30): Complete the Valley of Avalar

Golem Wrecker (30): Kill the Golem without dying once

Grappler (5): Perform 100 Enemy Grabs

Grublin Bane (20): Kill 450 Grublins

Grublin Slayer (15): Kill 225 Grublins

Juggler (10): Throw 200 Enemies into the Air

Killed the Golem (40): Complete Dragon City Golem

Last Rampart (5): Close Warfang Gate without dying once

Master of Electricity (5): Eliminate 75 Enemies with an Electric attack

Master of Fear (5): Eliminate 75 Enemies with a Fear attack

Master of Fire (5): Eliminate 75 Enemies with a Fire attack

Master of Ice (5): Eliminate 75 Enemies with an Ice attack

Master of Poison (5): Eliminate 75 Enemies with a Poison attack

Master of Wind (5): Eliminate 75 Enemies with a Wind attack

One Large Step (15): Complete one Armor Set

Orc Demolisher (20): Kill 200 Orcs

Orc Slayer (15): Kill 100 Orcs

Reached Malefor's Lair (20): Complete the Floating Islands

Savior (5): Protect all the Cheetah's houses in the village

Stop the Destroyer (30): Complete the Destroyer

Troll Slayer (10): Kill 10 Trolls

Unattainable (10): Dodge all Golem attacks in Chamber of Retribution

Underground City Doors (20): Complete the Underground Ruins

Unlocked Bonus (40): Unlocked all Bonus galleries

Wyvern Slayer (5): Kill 45 Wyverns

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