
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:                        How to Unlock:

A Friendly Game (10)               Complete the tutorial. 

Beginning of Wisdom (10)           Learn an Ability. 

Catch Me If You Can (10)           Hunt down Loki's head. 

End of Cold Love (10)              Defeat the Ice Maiden. 

End of Frenzy (10)                 Defeat the Balrog. 

End of the Dimension (10)          Defeat Encablossa. 

Origin of Obsession (10)           Succeed in Item Synthesis. 

Pride and Imprudence (10)          Defeat Loki. 

The Fallen Forest (10)             Defeat the Forest Guardian. 

Awakened Lover (20)                Finish the game with Celine. 

Dueling Is My Life (20)            Raise Marguerite's favor to 50%! 

End of Mutation (20)               Defeat Mutant Curian. 

End of Pain (20)                   Finish the game with Regnier. 

Gluttony (20)                      Pick up all items dropped by a boss. 

Marguerite, My Love (20)           Raise Marguerite's favor to 100% 

Misery Loves Company (20)          Have a heartwarming talk 
                                   with Bertrand. 

Purpose of the Journey (20)        Finish the game with Curian. 

Rebuilding the Empire (20)         Finish the game with Leinhart. 

Stranger to the Dimension (20)     Reach Level 10 with any character. 

The Timid Developer (20)           Watch all of the starting staff roll 
                                   AND the ending staff roll credits! 

Walter's Keepsake (20)             Finish the game with Kendal. 

Ambition and Ability (30)          Complete all of Leinhart's story quests. 

Destroying the Age (30)            Complete all of Regnier's story quests. 

Everlasting Love (30)              Complete all of Celine's story quests. 

Protecting the Age (30)            Complete all of Kendal's story quests. 

Where Is the Stone Golem? (30)     Hunt down a Stone Golem. 

Adventurer of the Dimension (40)   Reach Level 40 with any character. 

Master Alchemist (40)              Synthesize the same piece of equipment 10 times. 

King of Bloodlust (80)             Successfully execute a 20 combo attack with a Bloodlust enhanced weapon! 

Lord of the Dimension (80)         Reach Level 120 with any character. 

The Master's Mentor (80)           Synthesize the same piece of equipment 20 times. 

Curse of the Developer (200)       Reach Level 80 with ALL characters.

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