
Kengo: Legend of the 9

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Step 1 (5):  Have 1 online victory.
Step 2 (10): Have 3 online victories.
Step 3 (15): Have 5 online victories and rank in the top 80%.
Step 4 (20): Have 7 online victories and rank in the top 70%.
Step 5 (25): Have 10 online victories and rank in the top 60%.
Step 6 (30): Have 20 online victories and rank in the top 50%.
Step 7 (35): Have 30 online victories and rank in the top 25%.
Step 8 (40): Have 40 online victories and rank in the top 10%.
Step 9 (45): Have 50 online victories and rank in the top 5%.
Sword Saint (50): Have 100 online victories and rank in the top 1%.

Achievements (U.S. Version)
     Do  the  following tasks to unlock the following achievements and
their alloted gamerscore:

1-Dan (5):                    Won 1 online match
2-Dan (10):                   Won 3 online matches
3-Dan (15):                   Won 5 online matches with a ranking 
                              in the top 80%
4-Dan (20):                   Won 7 online matches with a ranking 
                              in the top 70%
5-Dan (25):                   Won 10 online matches with a ranking 
                              in the top 60%
6-Dan (30):                   Won 20 online matches with a ranking 
                              in the top 50%
7 Wanderers (10):             Cleared the Mission "The Seven Wanderers"
7-Dan (35):                   Won 30 online matches 
                              with a ranking in the top 25%
8-Dan (40):                   Won 40 online matches 
                              with a ranking in the top 10%
9-Dan (45):                   Won 50 online matches 
                              with a ranking in the top 5%
All Characters Completed (D) (60): Completed Main Mode 
                              with all characters in Difficult mode
All Characters Completed (N) (30): Completed Main Mode 
                              with all characters in Normal mode
Chiba Sanako Completed (25):  Completed Main Mode with Chiba Sanako
Cleared All Missions (Bronze): (10): Cleared all missions at or above 
                              the Bronze level
Cleared All Missions (Gold): (50): Cleared all missions 
                              at the Gold level
Cleared All Missions (Silver): (30): Cleared all missions at or above 
                              the Silver level
Edo Battle (10):              Cleared the Mission "Edo Battle Royale"
Five Man Contest (25):        Cleared the Solo Contest Five Man Match
Forest Killers (10):          Cleared the Mission "Assassins 
                              in the Forest"
Free Your Mind (10):          Cleared the Mission "Free Your Mind 
                              from Desire"
Horibe Yasubei Completed (40): Completed Main Mode with Horibe Yasubei
Island Rampage (10):          Cleared the Mission "Island Rampage"
Ito Ittosai Completed (40):   Completed Main Mode with Ito Ittosai
Kira Household (10):          Cleared the Mission "Death at the Kira 
Master (50):                  Won 100 online matches with a ranking 
                              in the top 1%
Miyamoto Musashi Completed (15): Completed Main Mode with Miyamoto 
Okada Izo Completed (40):     Completed Main Mode with Okada Izo
Okita Soji Completed (15):    Completed Main Mode with Okita Soji
Sakamoto Ryoma Completed (15): Completed Main Mode with Sakamoto Ryoma
Sasaki Kojiro Completed (25): Completed Main Mode with Sasaki Kojiro
Save Sanako! (10):            Cleared the Mission "Save Sanako!"
Shinsengumi (10):             Cleared the Mission "The End of 
                              the Shinsen-gumi"
Street Rumble (10):           Cleared the Mission "Street Rumble"
The Three Ronin Must Die! (10): Cleared the Mission 
                              "The Three Ronin Must Die!"
Yagyu Jubei Completed (25):   Completed Main Mode with Yagyu Jubei

Unlock Jion as playable character
     Complete  the  game with any of the 9 main samurai to unlock Jion
for use in Combat Mode.

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