
Just Dance Kids 2

...I Can Do Better! (30)
Earn 10,000 or more points in any 1 song in Create mode!
A New Just Dance Kid? (40)
Dance through any songs created in Create 50 times!
Anything You Can Do... (20)
Dance through 1 Original Dance created in Create mode!
Are You Forming a Dance Crew? (40)
Dance through songs in Team High Score 50 times in multiplayer!
Becoming a Professional (50)
Dance a total of 100 times!
Combo Master! (40)
Score 7 or more Perfects in a row in any 1 song in Regular mode!
First Playlist Completed! (30)
Dance through 1 preset Playlist in Playlist mode!
Getting a Workout (50)
Dance 25 times in 1 play session!
Getting Warmed Up (30)
Dance a total of 10 times!
Impressive Score! (30)
Earn 10,000 or more points in any 1 song in Regular mode!
Just Dance Virtuoso (100)
Earn at least 10,000 points in all songs in Regular mode!
Knowing Your Routine (50)
Earn 15,000 or more points while the Next Move Icons are turned off in Regular mode!
Let's Dance Together! (25)
Dance in Team High Score with 2 players!
My Favorite Song (40)
Dance through the same song 30 times!
Nice Choreography! (20)
Create an Original Dance in Create mode!
Now That's Teamwork (30)
Earn 35,000 or more points in any 1 song in Team High Score!
Practice Makes Perfect (100)
Dance a total of 1000 times!
Strike a Pose (20)
Dance in Pose & Shake!
The First Dance (20)
Dance in Regular mode!
The Modern Mixtape (15)
Create "Your Playlist" in Playlist mode!
The Perfect Team (50)
Earn at least 35,000 points in all songs in Team High Score!
The Pose & Shake Master (50)
Earn at least 10,000 points in all songs in Pose & Shake!
The Pose & Shake Professional (30)
Earn at least 10,000 points in any song in Pose & Shake!
You're a Dance Star! (50)
Dance through all the songs once!
You're a Poser (40)
Dance through songs in Pose & Shake 50 times!

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