
Just Dance: Greatest Hits

Always Ready (15)
Scored 5 stars on every song while playing the "Warm-up" Playlist
An Oldie & a Goodie (15)
Scored 5 stars on every song while playing the "Oldies but Goodies" Playlist
Child of the 90s (15)
Scored 5 stars on every song while playing the "90's Dance" Playlist
Choreographer (5)
Created a choreography in Just Create
Dazzling Duo - Bronze (5)
Finished a Duet with 2 players scoring at least 3 stars on both choreographies (2-coach songs)
Dazzling Duo - Gold (35)
Finished a Duet with 2 players scoring 5 stars on both choreographies (songs with 2 coaches)
Dazzling Duo - Silver (25)
Finished a Duet with 2 players scoring at least 4 stars on both choreographies (2-coach songs)
Disco Devotee (15)
Scored 5 stars on every song while playing the "Disco" Playlist
Full Repertory (15)
Collected 10 choreographies in the gallery
Gemini (35)
Had 2 players with identical scores in a duet.
Gold Rush (15)
Successfully performed every golden move on 5 tracks in a row
I Got This - Bronze (5)
Scored 5 stars on a song after disabling pictograms (excluding Just Create)
I Got This - Gold (35)
Scored 5 stars on 10 songs in a row after disabling pictograms (excluding Just Create)
I Got This - Silver (25)
Scored 5 stars on 5 songs in a row after disabling pictograms (excluding Just Create)
Just Dance Re-Master (15)
Played every song in the "Songs" menu
Lake of Sweat (25)
Earned 7,500 Sweat Points with Sweat Mode activated
Let it Out - Bronze (5)
Shouted Out at least once in a song
Let it Out - Gold (35)
Shouted Out at least once in 10 different songs
Let it Out - Silver (25)
Shouted Out at least once in 5 different songs
Master Thief (15)
Stole the High Score in the last 10 seconds of a song (Multiplayer/Dance mode)
Merry-Go-Round (25)
Danced a song twice during a non-stop shuffle session
Mimic (15)
Scored perfectly on every move during a dance off replay
Mixed-up (15)
Scored 5 stars in a medley
Multitasker (15)
Scored 5 stars in a song while reaching 300 sweat points and earning a sing along star
No Dancer Left Behind (25)
All 4 players scored 5 stars on a song.
Ocean of Sweat (35)
Earned 15,000 Sweat Points with Sweat Mode activated
River of Sweat (5)
Earned 1,000 Sweat Points with Sweat Mode activated
Simon's Pet - Bronze (5)
Scored 3 stars in Simon Says
Simon's Pet - Gold (35)
Scored 5 stars in Simon Says
Simon's Pet - Silver (25)
Scored 4 stars in Simon Says
Stargazer - Bronze (5)
Scored 5 stars on 2 songs in a row from the "Songs" menu
Stargazer - Gold (35)
Scored 5 stars on 10 songs in a row from the "Songs" menu
Stargazer - Silver (25)
Scored 5 stars on 6 songs in a row from the "Songs" menu
Stylish (15)
Played every Style once
Stylist (25)
Played four Dance Styles at the same time
Super-Duper Dancer - Bronze (5)
Played 50 songs (excluding Just Create)
Super-Duper Dancer - Gold (35)
Played 200 songs (excluding Just Create)
Super-Duper Dancer - Silver (25)
Played 100 songs (excluding Just Create)
Sweat for the Stars - Bronze (5)
Reached 150 Sweat Points with a 3-star rating on a song with Sweat Mode activated
Sweat for the Stars - Gold (35)
Reached 350 Sweat Points with a 5-star rating on a song with Sweat Mode activated
Sweat for the Stars - Silver (25)
Reached 250 Sweat Points with a 4-star rating on a song with Sweat Mode activated
The Roof is On Fire (25)
Had 4 players on-fire at the same time
Top Popper (15)
Scored 5 stars on every song while playing the "Pop Top 40 (Radio Hits)" Playlist
Urban Hero (15)
Scored 5 stars on every song while playing the "Urban" Playlist
Written in the Stars - Bronze (5)
Scored at least 3 stars on every choreography in the "Songs" menu
Written in the Stars - Gold (35)
Scored 5 stars on every choreography in the "Songs" menu
Written in the Stars - Silver (25)
Scored at least 4 stars on every choreography in the "Songs" menu
Uber Perfectionist - Bronze (5)
Finished a song in the "Songs" menu with at least 4 stars
Uber Perfectionist - Gold (35)
Finished a song in the "Songs" menu with at least 90% "Perfect" moves
Uber Perfectionist - Silver (25)
Finished a song in the "Songs" menu without missing a move

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