
Hitman: Blood Money

Complete the following tasks to get game score points:

     1st  Mission  Complete (25pts.) - "Death of a Show Man" completed
on any difficulty.

     5  Expert  Silent  Assassins  (50pts.)  - Reach 5 Silent Assassin
ratings on the Expert difficulty.

     5  Normal  Silent  Assassins  (25pts.)  - Reach 5 Silent Assassin
ratings on the Normal difficulty.

     5  Professional  Silent  Assassins  (100pts.) - 5 Silent Assassin
ratings awarded on the Professional difficulty.

All Firearms Collected (100pts.)
     All firearms collected and displayed in Hideout.

     Expert Mode Complete (75pts.) - Finished expert difficulty.

     Custom M4 (25pts.) - All custom M4 components purchased.

     Custom   Silverballers   (25pts.)   -   All  custom  Silverballer
components purchased.

     Customized  SMG  Tactical  (25pts.)  -  All  custom  SMG Tactical
components purchased.

     Custom  SP12  Shotgun  (25pts.)  -  All custom Shotgun components

     Custom W2000 Sniper (25pts.) - All custom W2000 components purchased.

     Normal Mode Complete (50pts.) - Finished normal difficulty.

     Professional  Mode  Complete  (150pts.)  -  Finished professional

     Rookie Mode Complete (25pts.) - Finished rookie difficulty.

     Silent Assassin (25pts.) - A Silent Assassin rating has been awarded.

     Kruger  Schmidt  (5pts.)  -  Tier 2 of the Kruger Schmidt upgrade
shop unlocked.

     Kruger  Schmidt  (15pts.)  - Tier 3 of the Kruger Schmidt upgrade
shop unlocked.

     Kruger  Schmidt  (20pts.)  - Tier 4 of the Kruger Schmidt upgrade
shop unlocked.

Infinite Life:
     Press Y, LB, RT, A, LT, X, RB, Y, B, LB, A, DOWN, UP, RT

Infinite Saves on Normal and Expert mode
     During the mission when save the game, a message box will appear.
Press  start right before the "Save Complete" text appears and it will
not count it towards your limit.

Change background 
     Finish the game to change the main menu background.

Alternate ending sequence 
     In  the  last  stage "Requiem", Diana will give you the antidote.
You will die while the credits roll up. The game will end, if you just
watch.  But, if you push any buttons repeatedly, you will come back to
life and your mission will be to leave no witnesses.

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