
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Unlock Everything
Go to the Rewards sub-menu from the Main Menu, where you see the two choices, Badges and Credits. Using the d-pad, enter the following code to unlock Everything: Down, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Down, Left.
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Adventure completed (100)
Conclude the adventure
Burrow Defender (20)
Successfully protected The Burrow
Combo Flyer Badge (10)
Earn the Combo Flyer Badge
Crest Collector 1 (10)
Complete Crest Collector Level 1
Crest Collector 10 (30)
Complete Crest Collector Level 10
Crest Collector 11 (30)
Complete Crest Collector Level 11
Crest Collector 12 (40)
Complete Crest Collector Level 12
Crest Collector 13 (50)
Complete Crest Collector Level 13
Crest Collector 14 (60)
Complete Crest Collector Level 14
Crest Collector 2 (10)
Complete Crest Collector Level 2
Crest Collector 3 (10)
Complete Crest Collector Level 3
Crest Collector 4 (10)
Complete Crest Collector Level 4
Crest Collector 5 (20)
Complete Crest Collector Level 5
Crest Collector 6 (20)
Complete Crest Collector Level 6
Crest Collector 7 (20)
Complete Crest Collector Level 7
Crest Collector 8 (20)
Complete Crest Collector Level 8
Crest Collector 9 (30)
Complete Crest Collector Level 9
Duelling Beginner (10)
Earn the Duelling Beginner's Luck Badge
Duelling Champion (10)
Earn the Duelling Club Champion Badge
Duelling Veteran (20)
Earn the Duelling Veteran Badge
Escaped the Cave (40)
Escaped the Cave
Good Deed (20)
Help the student retrieve her stolen Gobstone
Great Mate (20)
Help Ron avoid Lavender
Great Party (10)
Create a great Christmas party for Slughorn
Grime Buster (10)
Clean up after Fred and George at The Burrow
Hidden the Book (20)
Hide the Half-Blood Prince's Potions Book
Keen Flyer Badge (20)
Earn the Keen Flyer Badge
Master Duellist Badge (50)
Earn the Master Duellist Badge
Master of Flying (50)
Earn the Master of Flying Badge
Master Potioneer (50)
Earn the Master Potioneer Badge
Mystery Solved (20)
Retrieved Slughorn's missing memory
Portrait Novice (10)
Use your first portrait shortcut
Portrait Pro (20)
Use all of the portrait shortcuts
Potions Beginner (10)
Earn the Potions Beginner's Luck Badge
Potions Club Star (10)
Earn the Potions Club Star Badge
Potions Club Veteran (20)
Earn the Potions Club Veteran Badge
Precision Flyer Badge (10)
Earn the Precision Flyer Badge
Quidditch Beginner (10)
Earn the Quidditch Beginner's Luck Badge
Quidditch Captain (10)
Assemble the Gryffindor Quidditch Team
Quidditch Champion (30)
Won the Quidditch Cup
Reflex Badge (10)
Earn the Reflex Badge
Speedy Brewer Badge (10)
Earn the Speedy Brewer Badge
Used the Pensieve (10)
View Dumbledore's first memory of Tom Riddle in the Pensieve
Hogwarts Crest Unlockables
Collecting so many crests around Hogwarts will unlock certain single and multi player things.
113 Hogwarts Crests
Two Player Dueling Pack 4: Paved Courtyard Dueling Arena
129 Hogwarts Crests
More mini-crests with each cast
14 Hogwarts Crests
Two Player Dueling Pack 2: Training Ground Dueling Arena
21 Hogwarts Crests
Dungbombs in prank boxes around Hogwarts
29 Hogwarts Crests
Two Player Dueling Pack 2: Crabbe & Goyle
3 Hogwarts Crests
Two Player Dueling Pack 1: Draco & Luna
38 Hogwarts Crests
Score boost in flying events
48 Hogwarts Crests
Exploding Cauldrons in prank boxes around Hogwarts
59 Hogwarts Crests
Two Player Dueling Pack 4: The Transfiguration Dueling Arena
71 Hogwarts Crests
Even More health in duels
8 Hogwarts Crests
More health in duels
84 Hogwarts Crests
Two Player Dueling Pack 5: Ginny & Hermione
98 Hogwarts Crests
Love Potion in Potions Club
Locked Gates
When you see the shields behind the locked gates, use Wingardium Leviosa and hit it into a wall to break it. Lift the pieces out through the gate and repair the pieces to get a shield.

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Автор: Ден
Игра Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - просто улёт! Очень весело играть в "Квидич" или драться на дуэли на волшебных палочках! А ещё можно варить зелья. Если кто-то думает, что она такая же, как пятая часть, то он очень сильно ошибается. Мне очень понравилось! Кто купит - не пожалеет!

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