
Guitar Hero: Smash Hits

Cheat Codes
     Enter  the following in the cheats menu which can be found in the
options menu.

Green, Green, Red, Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Yellow: Always Drum Fill
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Green, Yellow, Red, Red: Hyperspeed
Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green: Line 6 Unlock

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

8th Wonder (35):         You completed the song Through The Fire 
                         And Flames with 4 stars or more 
                         as the Guitarist on Expert.

Amazing Rockstar (100):  Complete single player Expert Career 
                         on all instruments.

Artist On The Rise (5):  Create a new custom Band logo.

Band Leader (10):        Score the highest individual score 
                         in a 4 player Band.

Bark At The Moon (30):   Complete the Career as the Vocalist.

Bloody Feet (35):        You completed the song Raining Blood 
                         with 5 stars as the Drummer on Expert+.

Clash Of 
The Titans (15):         Win a Band vs. Band match (8 players).

Cowboys From Hell (25):  Get 100% on a song as a Band (4 players).

Craving For More (5):    Download a song from GHTunes(SM).

Cyborg (45):             You got a 100 note streak in the song 
                         Through The Fire And Flames on Hard 
                         or higher as the Drummer.

Deadzone (10):           Fail a song with available Star Power 
                         in single player.

Face To Face (10):       Win an online Pro Face-Off match.

Free As A Band (35):     You scored 2,000,000 points 
                         on Free Bird as a Band.

to the Daring (10):      Play a song in the Atlantis venue.

Golden Fingers (5):      Perform as the Guitarist.

Golden Voice (35):       You scored 95% or more on the song Killer Queen 
                         as the Vocalist (Expert).

Hail The Reverend (10):  Get 5 stars on the song Beast And The Harlot 
                         as the Drummer on Expert without using 
                         Star Power.

I Wanna Rock (5):        Complete a song with any instrument 
                         on any difficulty in local Quickplay or Career.

Inhuman (10):            You scored 5 stars in a song on Expert 
                         with Lars Umlaut in single player.

Ink And Blood (5):       Create a custom tattoo.

Jaw Dropper (20):        Win an online Face-Off match by 25,000 points 
                         or more.

In The Name (45):        Win 50 online matches.

Lightning Speed! (25):   You completed the song YYZ with 5 stars 
                         on Expert Bass.

Low-Pitched King (30):   Complete the Career as the Bassist.

Master Craftsman (5):    Create a new custom instrument.

Masterpiece (5):         Create a new custom rocker.

Mooned (5):              Perform as the Drummer.

One For All (20):        Complete a song in a Band (4 players).

Open Minded 
Strummer (10):           You hit all Open Strum notes in the song 
                         Laid To Rest as the Bassist.

Play With Me (20):       Play 20 online matches.

Promising Diva (5):      Perform as the Vocalist.

Raining Notes (35):      You perfectly played the First Blood 
                         section of the song Raining Blood 
                         as the Guitarist on Expert.

Rising Star (20):        You completed 100% on any song 
                         on Expert in single player.

Rock Legends (30):       Complete the Career in a Band (2-4 players).

Rock Veteran (20):       Play 150 songs throughout your entire Career.

Rocker's Guide 
To Godhood (5):          Complete the Career Tutorial.

Smoking!!! (10):         Complete the song Smoke On The Water 
                         as the Vocalist.

That was Close! (10):    You won a song with the rock meter in red.

The Greatest Crew (20):  Complete a song with all Band members on Expert 
                         (4 player Band).

The Greatest Journey 
In History (10):         Complete a song in every venue.

The One Man Band (35):   Complete all four instrument Careers 
                         on any difficulty.

There's Hope! (10):      Recover from a poor performance.

Thunder Kissing (10):    Trigger Star Power simultaneously 
                         (4 player Band).

Unnoticed Presence (5):  Perform as the Bassist.

Unyielding (30):         Complete the Career as the Drummer.

War Apparatus (25):      Complete a song on Expert + (Drums only).

Wondrous Strummer (30):  Complete the Career as the Guitarist.

You Cannot Beat Me (20): Win an online Pro Face-Off match 
                         by 25,000 points or more.

You Play It Well (35):   You perfectly played the Let's Play! section 
                         in the song Play With Me as a lead Guitarist 
                         on Expert.

You Should 
Be Afraid (10):          Win an online Face-Off match.

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