
Eternal Sonata

     Many of these Achievements can only be unlocked while playing the
Encore  and due to many being story related, SPOILERS may ensue. There
are 22 achievements worth 1000G and all are secret.

Claves's Resurrection (50G)   Collect all 7 pieces of Claves's Soul

EZI Worshipper (321G)         Collect all EZI items in the game

Fantaisie Impromptu (10G)     Complete chapter 3

Grand Finale (70G)            Defeat Frederic with Claves unlocked

Grande Valse Brilliante (10G) Complete chapter 4

Heaven's Mirror (10G)         Complete Final chapter: Heaven's Mirror

Hero's Gate (30G)             Use the Hero's Crest to open the way 
                              to Mysterious Unison
Heroic (10G)                  Complete chapter 7

Nocturne (10G)                Complete chapter 5

Party Level 2 (10G)           Obtain party level 2

Party Level 3 (10G)           Obtain party level 3

Party Level 4 (10G)           Obtain party level 4

Party Level 5 (10G)           Obtain party level 5

Party Level 6 (20G)           Obtain party level 6

Pirate's Treasure (80G)       Finally obtain Dolce's treasure

Raindrops (10G)               Complete chapter 1

Revolution (10G)              Complete chapter 2

Rondo's Return (50G)          Defeat Rondo in Mysterious Unison

Score Piece Collector (100G)  Collect all 32 Score Pieces

Soul Released (79G)           Free Chord's Soul from Fort Fermata

Tristesse (10G)               Complete Chapter 6

Xylophone Treasure (80G)      Use your orb to open the secret door 
                              in Xylophone Tower

Score Piece Collector (100G)  Collect all 32 Score Pieces 
EZI Worshipper (321G)         Collect all EZI items in the game 

New Game + 
     Complete  the  game  once  from your first play and save the data
when prompted to. Load that file to begin a new game with all obtained
Score  Pieces,  Party Levels and a Hero's Crest. Plus, the enemies and
bosses will be much stronger and tougher in battle.

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