
Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

A Challenger Appears (15):  Complete a battle as a custom character.

A Man of Vision (15):       Cleared by completing a battle as Cao Cao

Benevolent Ruler (15):      Cleared by completing a battle as Liu Bei

Brains and Beauty (15):     Cleared by completing a battle as Yue Ying

Bringer of Peace (15):      Cleared by completing a battle as Cao Ren

Cleared "Battle of 
Guan Du" (30):              Cleared by reaching the end of 
                            the "Battle of Guan Du" scenario

''Yellow Turbans'' (30):    Cleared by reaching the end of 
                            the ''Yellow Turban Rebellion'' scenario

Cold as Ice (15):           Cleared by completing a battle 
                            as Ling Tong

Elegant Dancer (15):        Cleared by completing a battle as Diao Chan

Enchanting Beauty (15):     Cleared by completing a battle as Zhen Ji

Exquisite Flower (15):      Cleared by completing a battle as Xiao Qiao

Feared Throughout 
the Land (15):              Cleared by completing a battle as Zhang Liao

Fierce Barbarian (15):      Cleared by completing a battle as Wei Yan

God of War (15):            Cleared by completing a battle as Guan Yu

Gourmand (15):              Cleared by completing a battle as Xu Zhu

Grand Master (15):          Cleared by completing a battle as Zhang Jiao

Hot Blooded (15):           Cleared by completing a battle as Sun Ce

Jovial Warrior (15):        Cleared by completing a battle as Zhang Fei

Little Dragon (15):         Cleared by completing a battle as Zhao Yun

Loyal Companion (15):       Cleared by completing a battle as Zhou Yu

Master of Intrigue (15):    Cleared by completing a battle as Sima Yi

Master of Strategy (15):    Cleared by completing a battle as Zhuge Liang

on the Battlefield (15):    Cleared by completing a battle as Dian Wei

Mightiest in the Land (15): Cleared by completing a battle as Lu Bu

Mysterious Traveler (15):   Cleared by completing a battle as Pang Ting

Nanman King (15):           Cleared by completing a battle as Meng Huo

One-Eyed Wolf (15):         Cleared by completing a battle as Xiahou Dun

Paradise of Tyranny (15):   Cleared by completing a battle as Dong Zhuo

Pillar of Wu (15):          Cleared by completing a battle as Huang Gai

Proud Nobleman (15):        Cleared by completing a battle as Yuan Shao

Quick as Lightning (15):    Cleared by completing a battle 
                            as Xiahou Yuan

Refined Warrior (15):       Cleared by completing a battle as Zhang He

Righteous Crusader (15):    Cleared by completing a battle as Ma Chao

Rising Star of Wu (15):     Cleared by completing a battle as Lu Xun

Rough-and-tumble (15):      Cleared by completing a battle as Gan Ning

Seasoned Veteran (15):      Cleared by completing a battle as Huang Zhong

Silent Warrior (15):        Cleared by completing a battle as Zhou Tai

Son of the God of War (15): Cleared by completing a battle as Guan Ping

The Warrior's Act (15):     Cleared by completing a battle as Xu Huang

Tiger of Jiang Dong (15):   Cleared by completing a battle as Sun Jian

Tomboy of Sun (15):         Cleared by completing a battle 
                            as Sun Shang Xiang

Triumph of Knowledge (15):  Cleared by completing a battle as Lu Meng

Unrivaled Ambition (15):    Cleared by completing a battle as Cao Pi

Unwavering Honor (15):      Cleared by completing a battle as Taishi Ci

Young Tiger (15):           Cleared by completing a battle as Sun Quan

Edit Mode Costumes
     All  unlocked  from completing Mercenary Missions in Empire Mode.
Complete  the  listed  stages  multiple  times  unlock all the pieces.
Outfits listed are MALE/FEMALE

Hawk/Owl:                   Complete "Shao Hua Bandits", 
                            "Ju Zhang Bandits", "Hei Shan Bandits"

Imperial/Princess:          Complete "Guard Lady Cai Wenji", "Accompany 
                            Lady Cai Wenji" and "Defend Lady Cai Wenji"

Kung Fu/Summer:             Complete "Wu Tai Monk's Training", "Wu Tai 
                            Monk's Challenge" and "Wu Tai Final Trial"

Occult/Sage:                Complete "Stop Insurrection", "Suppress 
                            Insurrection" and "Crush Insurrection"

Tribal/Wildcat:             Complete "Tribal Encounter", "Tribal 
                            Invasion" and "Tribal War"

Water Dragon/Pirate:        Complete "Jin Fan Pirates", "Qian Tang 
                            Pirates" and "Bai Bo Pirates"

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