
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

Apprentice Pin Collector (10)
Acquired a Collectible Pin for the first time
Clear! (10)
Mickey revived Oswald while playing co-op
Devoted Pin Collector (25)
Found 88 Collectible Pins
Dress-up (10)
Changed costumes for the first time
Dressed to Impress (30)
Collected every Costume
Fall From Grace (20)
Entered Angel Falls, exited Devil Falls
Film Buff (30)
Collected every 2D Film Reel
Get with the Program (10)
Reprogrammed a Beetleworx
Heads Up (20)
Matched Seth's flowers to OsTown's statue
Heroes of Wasteland (25)
Built both statues in OsTown
Junker (10)
Destroyed 50 enemies
Lab Tested (20)
Finished Yen Sid's Lab
Make Your Own Way (25)
Ignored Daisy AND Smee's suggestions
Master Pin Collector (75)
Collected 176 Collectible Pins
Not-So-Sleepy Hollow (10)
Revealed every knothole surprise
Off Track (25)
Shuttered all four train stations
Oswald's New Groove (10)
Finished Dark Beauty Castle with two players
Perfectionist (75)
Finished all quests
Picture Perfect (10)
Got all three of Metairie's pictures
Prince Charming (25)
Befriended 100 enemies
Projector Corrector (20)
Restarted the Rainbow Falls Substation
Recycler (10)
Befriended 50 enemies
Rogues Gallery (20)
Photographed every enemy
Staff Photographer (30)
Got all Adelle's photos from the official Picture Spots
Statue Garden (50)
Awakened every Spirit
Thinderella (25)
Destroyed 100 enemies
Tunnel Mouse (10)
Played through every D.E.C.
Walking the Mean Streets (20)
Navigated both halves of Mean Street
We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do! (10)
Awakened a Spirit
When You Wish Upon a Star (10)
Painted every star and comet in Yen Sid's Lab
Who Left These Lying Around? (10)
Rescued all the gremlins

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