
Dig Dug

Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore.
2 Enemies (10)
Crush 2 enemies with one rock.
4 Enemies (20)
Crush 4 enemies with one rock.
Carrot (5)
Obtain the Carrot that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Cucumber (15)
Obtain the Cucumber that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Dig (15)
Dig through the entire area on any round.
Eggplant (15)
Obtain the Eggplant that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Green Pepper (20)
Obtain the Green Pepper that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Mushroom (10)
Obtain the Mushroom that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Pineapple (35)
Obtain the Pineapple that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Tomato (20)
Obtain the Tomato that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Turnip (10)
Obtain the Turnip that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Watermelon (25)
Obtain the Watermelon that appears after dropping 2 rocks in a certain round.
Gamer Picture
Download Dig Dug and go to the main menu to unlock Dig Dug Gamer Picture.
Dig Dug Gamer Picture
Go to the main menu.

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