
Deadliest Warrior: Legends

A Pox of the Small Variety (5)
Win a ranked online duel against a developer playing as Cortes or someone with this achievement.
Dead and Broken (10)
Break your opponent's arm and leg by grappling before final striking them in a ranked duel.
Denied! (10)
Parry your opponent three times in a row without being hit in a single ranked duel.
If anyone Khan, Genghis Khan! (35)
Beat arcade mode with Genghis Khan using only the dead fish on Deadliest Difficulty.
Legendary Arsenal (20)
Unlock all weapon and armor for each of the Legendary Warriors.
Legendary General (15)
Activate all three General Abilities during a single game of Generals.
Legendary Warrior (10)
Win 10 online ranked duels.
Marksman (10)
Get three consecutive headshots using any long range weapon in a single ranked duel.
Six Degrees of Separation (35)
Severed every limb from your opponent during a slice mode duel without using a final strike.
Slash Mode (40)
Kill 50 enemies in a row in Survival Slice Challenge as the primary player.: (2)
These Dice are Loaded! (5)
Lose three consecutive battles at even odds or better during a game of Generals.
When Push Comes to Shove (5)
As the primary player, After being pushed knock an opponent out of the ring.
Avatar Awards
Sun Tzu’s Costume
Complete arcade mode with any warrior on any difficulty level.
Sun Tzu’s Helmet
Complete arcade mode as each warrior on the Deadliest difficulty.

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