
Dance Central 3

Beat Down (10)
Earned at least 450,000 points in a single round of Keep the Beat.
Best Practices (15)
Beat your high score on a song immediately after practicing it in Rehearse.
Beyond Flaw (20)
Earned "Flawless" on at least 1,000 moves.
Boogie Woogie Woogie (15)
Earned 5 stars on "Electric Boogie."
Consistent Performers (15)
Earned the same move rating as your partner 5 times in a row.
Custom-Made (15)
Played through a Custom Playlist at least 15 minutes in length.
Daily Grind (20)
Played Dance Central 3 every day for at least 7 days in a row.
DCI's on the Prize (30)
Earned 5 stars on all 9 of DCI's songs on any difficulty.
Dig In Deep (10)
Changed the sorting options on the Song Select screen.
Do It... (15)
Earned 5 stars on "The Hustle."
First-degree Burn (15)
Burned at least 100 calories in any mode.
Flash Back (30)
Earned 5 stars on all 9 of Flash4wrd's songs on any difficulty.
Go Shorty (15)
Performed "In Da Club" with a character on that character's birthday.
Set a weekly fitness goal and achieved that goal.
Hi-Definitely (30)
Earned 5 stars on all 9 of Hi-Def's songs on any difficulty.
Just Pick Something! (10)
Skipped 5 songs in Party Time.
Keep It Old School (20)
Performed a song with both dancers in matching Crew Look outfits.
Let 'Em Know (20)
Flaunted at least 5 scores to your Friends List.
Lost in the Shuffle (15)
Earned 5 stars on "Cupid Shuffle."
Master Mimic (10)
Earned "Flawless" on every move your opponent created in Make Your Move.
Minor Skirmish (15)
Finished a Crew Throwdown with two single-player teams competing.
Movin' Up in the World (10)
Earned at least 1,500,000 points in a single round of Make Your Move.
Nice Moves (20)
Earned "Nice" on at least 1,000 moves.
OMG Indeed! (100)
Earned 5 stars on "OMG" on Hard difficulty.
Party Planner (20)
Started a Party with a Custom Playlist.
Playing Favorites (25)
Danced with the same character at least 20 times.
Que Soy Bueno (15)
Earned 5 stars on "Macarena."
Really Nice Moves (30)
Earned "Nice" on at least 10,000 moves.
Rematch! (15)
Replayed a Crew Throwdown with the same teams.
Rippin' It Up (30)
Earned 5 stars on all 9 of Riptide's songs on any difficulty.
Same Gold Story (20)
Earned Gold stars on a song.
Shut 'Em Down (20)
Won every round of a Crew Throwdown.
So Lu$h (30)
Earned 5 stars on all 9 of Lu$h Crew's songs on any difficulty.
Ten Large! (40)
Earned "Flawless" on at least 10,000 moves.
Th3Glitt3rati is online (20)
Completed Story mode and watched through the Credits. Thank you!
Top Agent (15)
Deciphered a Craze on your first try in Story mode.
Unique Technique (15)
Created a move in Make Your Move that your opponent cannot match.
Up All Night (25)
Started a Party before midnight and played 'til morning.
Up to the Challenge (20)
Won a Player Challenge.
Walk-In Closet (75)
Performed a song with every character in every unlockable outfit.
We're Friends, Right? (20)
Linked Dance Central 3 to your Facebook account.
Weekend Warrior (20)
Played Dance Central 3 on three weekends in a row.
What a Scream (15)
Earned 5 stars on "Scream."
Where Have You Been?? (20)
Played 10 songs with D-Coy.
Worth a Thousand Words (15)
Shared a Photo online.

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