

Cheat Codes
     Enter in the unlockables menu:

LockNLoad:                    All weapons unlocked

BlowOffSomeSteam:             Unlock the most powerful weapon

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Been There, Won That (10):    Win 1 Ranked Multiplayer Match of each Type.

Cerebral Assassin (10):       Get 10 headshot kills 
                              in one Ranked Multiplayer Match.

Double Time (10):             Complete any chapter after Arrowtree 
                              in Co-op on any difficulty.

Dumb Luck (10):               Kill 5 enemies at once 
                              with explosive damage.

Emblematic (50):              You or a Co-op partner collects 20 Emblems.

Explosive Expert (30):        Kill 3 players at once with Trip Mines 
                              in a Ranked Multiplayer Match.

Finders Keepers (30):         You or a Co-op partner collects 10 Emblems.

Found It! (10):               You or a Co-op partner collects 1 Emblem.

Free Style Walker (15):       Chain together any 3 physical abilities 
                              in 5 seconds or less.

Have Gun, Well Traveled (20): Win 1 Ranked Multiplayer Match on every Map.

Let's Go Streaking (20):      Win 10 straight Ranked Multiplayer Matches.

Pacifist (20):                Make a Flag Capture in a Ranked Multiplayer 
                              Match without firing a shot 
                              or using grenades.

Party Animal (15):            Host 25 Ranked Multiplayer Matches.

Peacemaker (75):              Complete the Game on Hardcore.

Pedestrian Crossing (20):     Kill 20 enemies with a vehicle.

People Skills (50):           Complete the game in Co-op 
                              on any difficulty.

Pyro (20):                    Kill 20 enemies with explosive damage.

Quick Draw (15):              Kill 10 enemies using only the Autorevolver 
                              in a ranked Multiplayer Match.

Revenant (130):               Complete the Game on Insane.

Skeet Shooter (10):           Shoot 25 Trip Mines out of the air.

Sniper (20):                  Get 20 Headshots.

Sticky Fingers (10):          Capture 3 flags 
                              in a Ranked Multiplayer Match.

Sure Shot (10):               Get 10 Kills 
                              in a Ranked Multiplayer Match.

Thief In The Night (20):      Capture a flag in 10 straight Ranked 
                              Multiplayer Matches.

Top Of The World (20):        Win 5 straight Ranked King of 
                              the Hill Matches.

Trooper (35):                 Complete the Game on Casual.

Wall Jumper (20):             Successfully wall-jump 100 times.

Where'd They Come From? (20): Kill 20 enemies without alerting them.

Winner's Circle (20):         Win 25 Ranked Multiplayer Matches.

Unlock the most powerfull weapon
     Enter BlowOffSomeSteam under the unlockables menu:

Unlock  the  most  powerfull weapon:    Enter BlowOffSomeSteam 
                                        under the unlockables menu.

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